Celebrare la Gratitudine con Sapori Ispirati all’Italia
Celebrating Gratitude with Italian-Inspired Flavors
Una Tradizione Americana Incontra il Tocco Italiano
An American Tradition Meets Italian Flair
Il Giorno del Ringraziamento è un momento in cui gli americani si riuniscono, rendono grazie e condividono un abbondante pasto. Sebbene piatti tradizionali come tacchino, ripieno alla salvia, purè di patate e torta di zucca rimangano dei classici, quest’anno, perché non aggiungere un tocco italiano? Ispirati da un’esperienza culinaria a Lucca, in Italia, con Eva, una talentuosa chef toscana, alcuni miei amici stanno arricchendo le loro tavole del Ringraziamento con sapori italiani.
Thanksgiving is a time for Americans to gather, give thanks, and enjoy a hearty meal. While traditional dishes like turkey, sage dressing, mashed potatoes, and pumpkin pie remain staples, this year, why not add an Italian twist? Inspired by a cooking experience in Lucca, Italy, with Eva, a talented Tuscan chef, some of my friends are infusing their Thanksgiving tables with Italian flavors.

Per il giorno di ringraziamento prepariamo una ricetta Lucchese!
Preparing for Thanksgiving a receipe we learned in Lucca!
Quest’anno, Rhonda, Judy e Sara—amiche che hanno partecipato con me al programma di immersione linguistica italiana Matta a Lucca—stanno ricreando piatti imparati nella cucina di Eva.
This year, Rhonda, Judy, and Sara—friends who joined me on the Matta Lucca Italian Language Immersion program—are recreating dishes they learned in Eva’s kitchen.

Rhonda ha deciso di sostituire il tradizionale tacchino con un saporito rotolo di petto di tacchino aromatizzato al rosmarino e salvia. Inoltre, stanno preparando ravioli fatti a mano alla salvia, un tocco creativo che unisce le tradizioni americane e italiane.
Rhonda is swapping the traditional turkey for a flavorful turkey breast roll infused with rosemary and sage. They’re also making handmade sage ravioli, a creative nod to both American and Italian traditions.

Rotolo di Tacchino Ripieno al Rosmarino e Salvia
Stuffed Turkey Roll with Rosemary and Sage
Un rotolo di tacchino tenero, farcito con pancetta toscana, erbe aromatiche
e una saporita frittata, cotto lentamente alla perfezione.
A tender turkey roll filled with Tuscan bacon, herbs,
and a savory omelet, slow-cooked to perfection.
Cook the carrot in salted water. Chop thyme, marjoram, sage, and rosemary.
Mix eggs with salt, black pepper, and herbs, then cook as an omelet.
Flatten the turkey meat and layer with bacon and omelet. Add the cooked carrot and roll tightly, securing with string.
Brown the roll in olive oil over high heat, then pour white wine and cook until evaporated.
Add broth, rosemary, sage, garlic, and olives. Cover and simmer for 40 minutes.
600g turkey meat
120g Tuscan bacon
4 eggs
1 carrot
2 glasses white wine
Extra virgin olive oil
Rosemary, sage, thyme, marjoram
3 cloves garlic
Salt and black pepper
Ravioli Ripieni di Ricotta e Spinaci
Ravioli Stuffed with Ricotta Cheese and Spinach
Pasta fresca fatta a mano, delicatamente farcita
con ricotta cremosa e spinaci freschi.
Delicate handmade pasta filled with creamy ricotta and fresh spinach.
Instructions for Pasta Dough:
• Place the flour on a work surface and make a well in the center.
• Add the eggs, olive oil, and salt to the well.
• Gradually mix the flour with the eggs until a dough forms.
• Knead the dough vigorously until it becomes elastic. • This takes time and effort!
• Wrap the dough in cling film and let it rest for 1 hour.
• After resting, roll out the dough with a rolling pin or a pasta machine until it’s thin and even.
500g white flour
5 eggs
A pinch of salt
1 tsp extra virgin olive oil
Instructions for Filling:
• Boil the spinach, drain well, and squeeze out any excess water.
• Chop the spinach finely and allow it to cool.
• Combine the spinach with ricotta, eggs, Parmigiano, nutmeg, salt, and black pepper. Mix thoroughly to create a smooth stuffing.
200g spinach
500g ricotta cheese (unsalted)
2 eggs
Nutmeg (to taste)
Salt and black pepper (to taste)
50g Parmigiano cheese
Assembling the Ravioli
• Roll out the dough into thin sheets using a rolling pin or pasta machine.
• Place small teaspoons of filling about 3 cm apart along one sheet of dough.
• Fold the dough over the filling to cover it.
• Press around each filling to seal, then cut out ravioli using a special cutter or knife.
Cooking and Dressing the Ravioli
• Boil the ravioli in salted water for about 10 minutes, or until tender.
• Drain the ravioli and toss gently in melted butter and fresh sage leaves for a simple yet flavorful dressing.