Studentessa reflects on 2024 Matta Italian Language Program in Lucca
Studentessa riflette sul programma di lingua italiana Matta 2024 a Lucca
Il programma di immersione linguistica Matta Italian Lucca 2024 si è concluso, ma i ricordi dureranno per sempre
The 2024 Matta Italian Lucca Immersion program may have come to an end, but the memories will last forever.
Che esperienza incredibile abbiamo vissuto quest’anno! Abbiamo accolto studenti da ogni parte del mondo—California, New Jersey, Montana, Illinois, e persino Cambridge, Inghilterra!
What an incredible time our group had this year! We welcomed students from all over—California, New Jersey, Montana, Illinois, and even Cambridge, England!

Il Programma Matta Lucca 2024 è stato un’esperienza indimenticabile per 10 partecipanti, ognuno dei quali ha potuto godere del comfort di un appartamento privato vicino alla scuola di lingua di Lucca. Dalle degustazioni di vino alle lezioni di cucina, fino alla speciale visita in una profumeria per una “degustazione” di profumi, ogni momento è stato ricco di scoperte. Abbiamo anche fatto escursioni a Ceretto Guidi e Vinci, concludendo le nostre giornate con deliziosi pranzi di gruppo nella affascinante città murata di Lucca.
The 2024 Matta Lucca Program was an unforgettable experience for 10 participants, each enjoying the comfort of their own private apartment near the Lucca Italian School. From wine tastings and cooking lessons to a special visit to a perfumery for a “degustazione” of perfumes, every moment was filled with discovery. We also ventured out to Ceretto Guidi and Vinci, and capped off our days with delicious group dinners in the charming, walled town of Lucca.
Pochi giorni fa, ho ricevuto una bellissima lettera da Giulia dopo il suo ritorno in Inghilterra, e mi piacerebbe condividerla con i lettori del blog di Matta! (Mi sono presa la libertà di tradurre la sua lettera in italiano.)
A few days ago, I received a beautiful letter from Giulia after she returned home to England, and I’d love to share it with the readers of the Matta blog! (I’ve take the liberty to translate her letter into Italian)

Ciao melissa!
I just wanted to say a GRANDE GRAZIE for looking after us all in Lucca.
Volevo solo dirti un GRANDE GRAZIE per esserti presa cura di tutti noi a Lucca.
I am writing this in English and I want to express how much I enjoyed the experience and right now unable to do so eloquently in Italian.
It was so lovely to meet you, I felt I knew you already! It’s always great to share enthusiasm with someone on your own wave-length. I always feel happy when back in Italy, that ‘dolce vita’ really gets to me. Although my verbal Italian still needs a lot of work, I feel I have made progress and now really understand what you said about not literally translating from English to Italian, I totally get that now.
The teachers at the language school were all so welcoming and encouraging. I was part of a fun group, we all learned a lot whilst having a good laugh with Francesca.
Thank you for organising such interesting trips/events for us all and finding such wonderful restaurants.
I admit I was a bit slack attempting to speak Italian all the time with the group. I was so keen to get to know them all as they all have such interesting lives. However, we did have some good conversations mixing up English with bits of Italian. After this Italian immersion I do feel I understand so much more. I must try and listen to that beautiful language every day. I have learnt lots of new words and slowly getting to grips with those tenses. I now need to practice putting it all together in complete sentences.
I will continue to practice some form of Italian every day and of course continue to enjoy StudentessMatta!!!
Grazie ancora per questa meravigliosa esperienza a Lucca. Spero che ci incontreremo di nuovo in Italia.
I migliori auguri, Guila (giovane) xxx

Grazie Giulia! You were always a bright ray of sunshine (despite some of our rainy Lucchese days!) and I want to thank you for being a wonderful studentessa!!! I look forward staying in touch and to hearing about what you are up to and how your Italian language learning journey continues to progress. Un abbraccio grande!!