Join the Matta Spring 2022 Italian Book Club
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The selection for the Matta Spring 2022 Book Club
“Guida Astrologica per Cuori Infranti” by Silvia Zucca
E se le stelle avessero la chiave per sistemare la tua vita amorosa? Alice, una trentenne alle prese con il cuore spezzato e una carriera bloccata in una piccola rete televisiva milanese, sta per scoprirlo. Tra la notizia bomba del matrimonio del suo ex, un nuovo capo affascinante e misterioso che la tiene sulle spine e un attore di soap opera eccentrico che si rivela anche un guru dell’astrologia, la vita di Alice è tutt’altro che prevedibile. Immergendosi nel mondo dei segni zodiacali e delle indicazioni cosmiche, Alice scopre che a volte l’universo ha un modo tutto suo di portarti esattamente dove devi essere, anche se ci vuole qualche passo falso per arrivarci. Ti fideresti del tuo cuore alle stelle?
What if the stars held the key to fixing your love life? Alice, a thirty-something navigating heartbreak and a stalled career at a small Milanese TV network, is about to find out. Between the bombshell news of her ex’s marriage, a dashing yet enigmatic new boss who keeps her on her toes, and a quirky soap opera actor who doubles as an astrology guru, Alice’s life is anything but predictable. As she dives headfirst into the world of zodiac signs and cosmic guidance, Alice discovers that sometimes, the universe has a way of leading you exactly where you need to be—even if it takes a few wrong turns to get there. Would you trust your heart to the stars?

Lettura perfetta per il nostro gruppo
The Perfect Read for our Group
Leggere Guida Astrologica per Cuori Infranti in italiano è un modo divertente e coinvolgente per migliorare il vocabolario moderno e la comprensione linguistica attraverso una storia frizzante, ambientata nella Milano contemporanea. Con dialoghi autentici e situazioni quotidiane, offre agli studenti l’opportunità di imparare l’italiano divertendosi!
Reading Guida Astrologica per Cuori Infranti in Italian is a fun and engaging way to improve modern vocabulary and language comprehension through a sparkling story set in contemporary Milan. With authentic dialogue and everyday situations, it gives students the chance to learn Italian while having fun!

“A Sneak Peek into the Plot of “Guida Astrologica Per Cuori Infranti”
Guida Astrologica per cuori infranti di Silvia Zucca è una commedia romantica frizzante ambientata a Milano, che segue Alice, una trentenne single non per scelta, intrappolata in un lavoro insoddisfacente in una piccola rete televisiva. Mentre affronta la notizia del matrimonio e della paternità imminente del suo ex fidanzato Carlo, la sua vita viene ulteriormente scombussolata dall’arrivo del carismatico direttore creativo Davide. Ma è grazie a Tio, un attore e autoproclamato guru astrologico, che Alice inizia a navigare le complicazioni della sua vita amorosa e professionale, trovando nell’astrologia una bussola per affrontare il caos del cuore. Una storia ironica e brillante sull’amore, il destino e l’arte di reinventarsi.
Astrological Guide for Broken Hearts by Silvia Zucca is a sparkling romantic comedy set in Milan, following Alice, a thirty-something single woman not by choice, stuck in an unfulfilling job at a small TV network. While grappling with the news of her ex-boyfriend Carlo’s upcoming marriage and fatherhood, her life is further upended by the arrival of Davide, a charismatic new creative director. But it’s thanks to Tio, an actor and self-proclaimed astrology guru, that Alice begins to navigate the complications of her love and professional life, using astrology as a compass to tackle the chaos of the heart. A witty and brilliant story about love, destiny, and the art of reinvention.

Unisciti a noi! Join the Matta Italian Book Club!
Join the group book club for five weeks of lively discussions, where you can connect with fellow Italian language lovers from around the world. Our Zoom meetings, held in small groups of 2-3 readers, provide an intimate setting for personalized learning, ensuring that everyone gets a chance to participate and improve their language abilities.
If you have a group of friends or study buddies ready to dive into this literary adventure, I’m delighted to organize a private book club just for you. You can choose this season’s selection or any of our previous reads, with me guiding your journey through exclusive summaries, discussion topics, and insights to boost your Italian skills.
For an even more personalized experience, you can opt for a one-on-one book club with me. In this tailored format, you’ll take center stage in focused discussions, diving deeper into the book while honing your Italian language skills. If you want an experience that’s all about your progress, this is the perfect choice!
I like the idea of a book club in Italian, but when I checked out the Audible selection it was read in English. Is this the only possibility or is there some other Amazon that has books read aloud in Italian?
Ciao Julie! Thanks for dropping me a note! YES! the book is available in Italian in all formats. I accidently posted the links to the English version the books… but have just updated the site with the correct links to get the Italian versions. I’m listening to and reading the book in Italian right now. So, they are definitely available and the reason I decided to start the book club! Hope you join. Let me know if you have any questions! A presto!