Un amore per Siena: il racconto di Sarah Mastroianni
A Love for Siena: Sarah Mastroianni’s Story
Listen to the Matta Podcast — guest Sara Mastroianni talks about Siena
(Right-click and choose “Save as…” to download to your device.)
Parliamo di Siena
Let’s talk about Siena
Oggi vi propongo un nuovo podcast in cui parleremo di una bellissima città italiana: Siena! Ospite speciale sarà Sarah Mastroianni, una giovane donna cresciuta a Toronto, Canada, figlia di un padre italiano e di una madre canadese. Qualche anno fa, dopo aver viaggiato in Italia, si è innamorata di questo Paese, in particolare della città di Siena. Ora considera Siena la sua città adottiva.
Today, I bring you a new podcast where we’ll discuss a beautiful Italian city: Siena! My special guest is Sarah Mastroianni, a young woman raised in Toronto, Canada, the daughter of an Italian father and a Canadian mother. A few years ago, after traveling to Italy, she fell in love with the country and especially with Siena. Now she considers Siena her adopted hometown.

Una blogger e un’amica speciale
A Blogger and a Special Friend
Sarah scrive il blog “Not Just Another ‘Dolce Vita’.” Ci siamo conosciute tramite Internet e, condividendo molti interessi simili, siamo diventate amiche—naturalmente! L’amore per l’Italia è sempre un ottimo modo per rompere il ghiaccio e conoscere meglio un’altra persona, non credete?
Sarah writes the blog “Not Just Another ‘Dolce Vita’.” We met through the internet and, sharing many similar interests, naturally became friends! The love of Italy is always a great way to break the ice and get to know someone better, don’t you think?

La vita di Sarah a Siena
Sarah’s Life in Siena
Sarah è una ragazza simpatica e interessante. Mi piace molto il suo blog perché, come me, scrive in modo comico e ironico per descrivere i vari aspetti della vita italiana. Anche se viaggia spesso in altri Paesi del mondo, sembra sempre tornare in Italia e, in particolare, a Siena, la città che le ha rubato il cuore.
Sarah is a fun and interesting woman. I enjoy her blog because, like me, she writes with humor and irony to depict the various aspects of Italian life. Even though she often travels to other countries, she always seems to return to Italy and especially to Siena, the city that stole her heart.

Siena: un tuffo nella storia medievale
Siena: A Dive Into Medieval History
Siena è una città magica che ospita ogni anno molti turisti; conserva ancora le sue radici medievali, pur essendo una città moderna con una prestigiosa università. Ci siete mai stati? Io sì, più di una volta. La prima volta è stata quando ero studentessa e ho visitato la città con il mio professore di Storia dell’Arte.
Siena is a magical city that hosts many tourists every year; it still retains its medieval roots while being a modern city with a prestigious university. Have you ever been there? I have, more than once. My first visit was as a student with my Art History professor.

In bocca al lupo, Sarah!
Good Luck, Sarah!
Grazie, Sarah! Ti auguro tanta fortuna con il tuo trasferimento in Italia! Spero che un giorno le nostre strade si incrocino. Io stessa partirò per Roma il mese prossimo, quindi sarebbe fantastico incontrarsi. Se qualcuno di voi vuole unirsi a noi, fatemelo sapere!
Thank you, Sarah! I wish you lots of luck with your move to Italy! Hopefully, our paths will cross someday. I’ll be heading to Rome next month, so it would be great to meet. If any of you want to join
Ciao Melissa. I am a ‘silent’ viewer of your blog, never commenting, but always listening and reading. You have made great strides over the years that I have followed your blog, easily moving from information and language to tours, etc. Brava! Complimenti!!
My husband and I are purchasing a home in Umbria this September. We have had a contract on the farmhouse since last November, but you understand how slow the bureaucracy works. Spero che ci sara’ in Settembre. As my husband and I are not that young, we are a bit terrified of flying into Rome and then driving to Ficulle, the small town where we will be living. I realize this may be out of your scope, but do you know an easy way to navigate out of FCO and towards Umbria? I have looked at many websites, but am looking for an ‘easy’ way where after our flight from Miami we can easily make the drive without having a nervous breakdown.
Mile grazie, Lisa
Ciao Lisa! Grazie per il tuo messaggio! Complimenti! Che bello che abbiate comprato una casa in Umbria! Wonderful news that you have purchased a home in Umbria. Driving in Italy can be a bit intimidating. But, it is a wonderful experience. It is really pretty easy to rent a car at Fiumicino – you can set it up on line – and once pick up the car and get out of Rome, the autostrada is easy to drive and navigate. But, then again, I have a husband who is quite comfortable driving in Italy – loves it infact! (I translate, he drives! 🙂 )
So, if you are jet lagged and worried about tackling the drive up to Umbria after landing I recommend you contact a service to shuttle you up to your destination. You could contact Roberto at Driver in Italy. I have worked with him in the past and have found his company to be reliable. He organizes transfers and excursions and might be able to organize something for you. it might be a bit costly, but if you are tired and just want comfort and peace of mind it might be worth it to you. Here is his website: http://www.driverinitaly.com/
In bocca a luppo!