Risorse per imparare l’italiano—le trovi tutte sulla pagina Matta!

Italian learning resources—all on the Matta page!

Pronti a migliorare il vostro italiano? Ascoltate, imparate e divertitevi!
Ready to Level Up Your Italian? Here’s How to Listen, Learn, and Have Fun!

Ciao a tutti! Sul sito Matta, nella sezione “Matta Learning Resources”, troverete un elenco sempre aggiornato con alcune delle mie risorse preferite per imparare l’italiano. Internet è una miniera d’oro per chi vuole imparare e praticare l’italiano. Quando trovo qualcosa di interessante e utile, lo aggiungo immediatamente alla pagina delle risorse Matta!

Hello everyone! On the Matta website, under the “Matta Learning Resources” section, you’ll find a constantly updated list of some of my favorite resources for learning Italian. The internet is a goldmine for those who want to learn and practice Italian. Whenever I find something particularly interesting and useful, I add it to the Matta Resource page!

Oltre ai podcast italiani, troverete anche collegamenti a stazioni radio italiane, consigli motivazionali, piattaforme per guardare la TV e film italiani, stazioni di notizie, suggerimenti di libri, account Instagram, canali YouTube e molto altro!

In addition to Italian podcasts, you’ll also find links to Italian radio stations, motivational posts, platforms for watching Italian TV & films, news stations, book recommendations, Instagram feeds, YouTube channels, and more!

Il consiglio di oggi da non perdere: il canale YouTube di LearnAmo
Today’s must-see Youtube Channel recommendation: LearnAmo!

Per esempio, vi consiglio di dare un’occhiata a LearnAmo , un canale YouTube gestito da italiani che vi offre uno sguardo autentico su ciò che dicono davvero gli italiani. Ad esempio, guardate il loro video 10 cose che gli italiani dicono ogni giorno”!

For example, I recommend checking out LearnAmo a YouTube channel by Italians who give you an inside look at things real Italians say. For example check out their Youtube Video 10 things Italian say Everyday!

Podcast: un’ottima scelta per esercitarsi con l’italiano
Podcasts: a great way to practice Italian!

L’anno è iniziato con una bellissima notizia per me e il mio podcast “Tutti Matti per l’Italiano”! Ho ricevuto un’email da Aung Agarwal, manager di Feedspot.com, che mi ha informata che il mio podcast è stato selezionato 28° tra i 40 migliori podcast per imparare l’italiano nel 2024! 

This year started with exciting news for me and my podcast “Tutti Matti per l’Italiano”! I received an email from Aung Agarwal, manager of Feedspot.com, informing me that my podcast was ranked 28th among the 40 Best Learn Italian Podcasts of 2024

Check of Feedspot’s Top Podcast List

Alcuni dei miei podcast italiani preferiti!
Just a few of my favorite Italian podcasts!

Molti studenti mi chiedono suggerimenti, ed ecco alcune delle mie scelte migliori che potete trovare nella sezione podcast della pagina delle risorse Matta!

Many students ask me for recommendations, and here are some of my top choices that you can find in the podcast section of the Matta Resource page!

Italiano con Amore di Eleonora Silanus dall’Umbria è fantastico.

Italiano con Amore by Eleonora Silanus from Umbria is wonderful.

Radio Arlecchino, dell’Università del Texas ad Austin, è molto divertente.

Radio Arlecchino, from the University of Texas at Austin, is very entertaining.

Quattro Stagioni, il podcast della mia amica Alessandra, è imperdibile.

Quattro Stagioni, my friend Alessandra’s podcast, is a must-listen.

Slow News in Italian e Slow Stories by Elena
sono perfetti per apprendere con calma e chiarezza.

Slow News in Italian and Slow Stories by Elena
perfect for learning at a relaxed pace.

Non fermatevi qui! Scoprite TUTTE le risorse sulla pagina Matta!
Don’t stop here! Explore ALL the resources on the Matta page!

Che si tratti di podcast, audiolibri, YouTube o app, ho raccolto il meglio per aiutarvi a immergervi nell’italiano in modo divertente ed efficace. Visitate la pagina delle risorse Matta e date il via alla vostra avventura linguistica oggi stesso!

Whether it’s podcasts, audiobooks, YouTube, or apps, I’ve gathered the best tools to help you immerse yourself in Italian in a fun and effective way. Visit the Matta Resource Page and jumpstart your language adventure today!

Travel with Melissa and learn Italian in Italy!

View the current Italian language and culture immersion programs.

Ecco alcuni commenti di partecipanti ai miei viaggi recenti.

Here are a few comments from participants of my recent trips.

“Melissa organized a wonderful trip to Arezzo. The accommodations were great! Our B&B was well located, and Barbara and her father were lovely hosts who went out of their way to make us comfortable. The language school was excellent: Paola, the director, has an amazing staff. I loved the daily classes taught by fun and engaging teachers. Melissa planned interesting activities and fantastic meals. We were never hungry! Bravo Melissa and thank you for an unforgettable trip!”
– Jeannene M. (Arezzo 2017)

“I enjoyed and got a lot out of my two weeks in Melissa’s program in Arezzo. It was a good mix of planned activities, classroom learning, and free time. Whether you’re a beginner, intermediate, or advanced, there’s something here for everyone. Enjoy!”
– Geoffrey C. (Arezzo 2017)

“I had an absolutely fantastic time in Arezzo! Every day was special. The 4-hour classes were fun and never boring. Paola is a great teacher who knows how to get beginners interacting with the language. Every afternoon held something special: a market stroll, a visit to a local jeweler, a cooking class and dinner, a visit to the cathedral, or the famous Joust. Plus, the instructors shared fascinating and enriching details. Our group of 8 was perfect: we connected and had so much fun, especially enjoying great Italian food and wine together. This is the experience for anyone who loves ITALY and wants to learn more about its language, culture, food, and art history!”
– Patty C. (Arezzo 2017)

“My husband Art and I were two of the lucky participants. If I had to pick a highlight, it would certainly be the people! Our group, our teachers, our guides… Of course, the venues were wonderful, and the hotel was inviting, beautiful, and perfectly located. The school was engaging and enthralling: the location, teachers, and methods were a delightful surprise. And then there’s Lucca, a hidden gem. An unexpected taste of Tuscany without the overwhelming summer tourist crowds. The food was exquisite, the streets charming, the history captivating, and the medieval wall, turned park, helped us work off all the amazing food! Melissa is the key to this success: the perfect hostess with boundless energy, contagious enthusiasm, and great attention to detail. Thank you, Melissa, for an amazing experience!”
– Micaela R. (Lucca 2017)

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