Dipingi e Parla Italiano con Kelly Medford artista americana che vive a Roma!
Paint and Speak Italian with American artist Kelly Medford living in Rome!
Listen to the Tutti Matti Podcast about
Kelly Medford and Plein Air Painting
(Right-click and choose “Save as…” to download to your device.)
Ritrovare il piacere di dipingere
Rediscovering the Joy of Painting
Appena tornata da un pomeriggio di pittura all’aria aperta, sono ancora un po’ coperta di vernice! Sono una pittrice pasticciona! Ho portato il mio cavalletto, tubetti di colori ad olio e pennelli nei campi vicino a casa mia in California. Quanto amo l’odore dei colori ad olio e dell’olio di lino. Mi ricorda il processo creativo!
Fresh from an afternoon of outdoor painting, I’m still a bit covered in paint! I’m a messy painter! I took my easel, tubes of oil paints, and brushes to the fields near my home in California. How I love the smell of oil paints and linseed oil—it reminds me of the creative process!

Cosa mi ha ispirato?
What Inspired Me?
Che cosa mi ha spinta a riprendere in mano i pennelli? Ottima domanda! Di solito mi trovate davanti al computer, immersa in programmi di grafica come Adobe Illustrator e Photoshop. Ma recentemente la mia cara amica Kelly Medford ha cambiato tutto.
What prompted me to pick up my brushes again? Good question! Usually, you’ll find me at my computer, immersed in graphic design programs like Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop. But recently, my dear friend Kelly Medford changed everything.

Un workshop a Big Sur: Natura e creatività
A Workshop in Big Sur: Nature and Creativity
Durante il suo soggiorno in California, ho partecipato a uno dei workshop di Kelly a Big Sur, una zona mozzafiato lungo la Highway 1. Le acque indaco, le onde bianche e le colline selvagge sono un paradiso per ogni pittore!
During her stay in California, I joined one of Kelly’s workshops in Big Sur, a breathtaking area along Highway 1. The indigo waters, white-capped waves, and rugged hills are a painter’s paradise!

L’arte per tutti: Un nuovo modo di vedere
Art for Everyone: A New Way of Seeing
Durante il suo soggiorno in California, ho partecipato a uno dei workshop di Kelly a Big Sur, una zona mozzafiato lungo la Highway 1. Le acque indaco, le onde bianche e le colline selvagge sono un paradiso per ogni pittore!
During her stay in California, I joined one of Kelly’s workshops in Big Sur, a breathtaking area along Highway 1. The indigo waters, white-capped waves, and rugged hills are a painter’s paradise!

Roma: Una fusione di arte e lingua
Rome: A Fusion of Art and Language
Durante il suo soggiorno in California, ho partecipato a uno dei workshop di Kelly a Big Sur, una zona mozzafiato lungo la Highway 1. Le acque indaco, le onde bianche e le colline selvagge sono un paradiso per ogni pittore!
During her stay in California, I joined one of Kelly’s workshops in Big Sur, a breathtaking area along Highway 1. The indigo waters, white-capped waves, and rugged hills are a painter’s paradise!

Un’occasione da non perdere
An Opportunity Not to Be Missed
Oltre alle lezioni di arte e lingua, avremo cene con amici italiani, picnic e serate nei parchi di Roma. Unitevi a noi per una settimana indimenticabile piena di arte, cultura e conversazione!
In addition to art and language lessons, we’ll enjoy dinners with Italian friends, picnics, and evenings in Rome’s parks. Join us for an unforgettable week full of art, culture, and conversation!
Non serve essere esperti in lingua o arte per partecipare. Basta avere una mente aperta e la voglia di imparare. Roma non è stata costruita in un giorno, ma voi potrete iniziare il vostro viaggio artistico con noi!
You don’t need to be an expert in language or art to join. All you need is an open mind and a desire to learn. Rome wasn’t built in a day, but you can start your artistic journey with us!
I am a friend and admirer of Kelly’s and follow her work on Facebook. I love this full and detailed blog entry/podcast! Seeing the images of Italy next to photos of Kelly in her environment and interacting with students is wonderful, as is hearing her speaking in Italian! I love that you include translations and your own input, as well as information on Kelly’s workshops. It’s a great vignette about a very special artist and teacher. Thank you for sharing. Best, Rebecca T.
Ciao Rebecca! thanks for stopping by and listening to the “Kelly” podcast! Kelly is an amazing artist and we have such fun together. I had such a great time participating in her Big Sur painting workshop here in California and I am looking forward to our week in Rome together in July. You should come too! Passaparola! Spread the word! Would love to have you along with us! A presto! Melissa
Wonderful to hear your voice, in Italian – with the great pics from Kelly’s workshop with us in Big Sur! I miss her every day!
Thank you for putting everything into written – as well as taped – words!
xo Erin
Thanks Erin! Thanks for checking out my podcast with Kelly! I had such a great tme with the both of you in Big Sur. Your paintings are phenomenal! I’m so inspired by you as well! Look forward to meeting up again for another painting session! Un abbraccio! A presto!