Two 2025 Italian Language Immersion Programs To Choose From
Arezzo— June 14 – 27, 2025
Florence— September 20-29, 2025
Immergiti nella lingua e nella cultura italiana!
Immerse yourself in Italian language and culture!
È il momento perfetto per buttarsi nell’azione e migliorare il tuo italiano in Italia! Unisciti a me, Studentessa Matta, e alle scuole Cultura Italiana Arezzo e ItalianMe di Firenze per DUE esperienze linguistiche autentiche. Impara l’italiano con lezioni interattive al mattino e metti in pratica la lingua nel pomeriggio, esplorando città affascinanti, degustando piatti tipici e facendo nuove amicizie!
Join me, Melissa la Matta, along with Cultura Italiana Arezzo and ItalianMe Florence, for TWO unforgettable immersion experiences. Learn Italian in the morning with dynamic lessons, then practice it in the afternoon while exploring charming cities, tasting delicious food, and making new friends!
Frase utile / Useful Phrase
“Mi butto nell’azione e parlo italiano senza paura!”
I’m diving into the action and speaking Italian without fear!

Un’avventura aretina tra storia e tradizione!
A Tuscan adventure in Arezzo—history, art & tradition!
Arezzo— June 14 – 27, 2025
Arezzo è una città ricca di storia, arte e tradizione. Durante il nostro soggiorno di 14 giorni (14–27 giugno), vivrai come un vero “Aretino” e parteciperai a eventi locali come la Giostra del Saracino. Passeggeremo per le strade medievali, visiteremo chiese e musei, e degusteremo vini e piatti tipici toscani.
Arezzo is a city steeped in history, art, and tradition. During our 14-day stay (June 14–27), you’ll experience life as a true Aretino, joining local festivals like the Giostra del Saracino. We’ll stroll through medieval streets, visit stunning churches and museums, and indulge in exquisite Tuscan wine and cuisine.
Frase utile / Useful Phrase
“Sto vivendo un’esperienza indimenticabile ad Arezzo!”
I’m having an unforgettable experience in Arezzo!

Firenze: vivi la città come un vero fiorentino!
Florence: Experience the city like a true Florentine!
Florence— September 20-29, 2025
Dal 20 al 29 settembre 2025, ti invito a Firenze, la culla del Rinascimento! Studieremo con gli insegnanti di ItalianMe nella prestigiosa Via Tornabuoni e poi esploreremo i musei, le chiese e i mercati della città. Goditi una cena con vista sull’Arno e vivi Firenze con gli occhi di chi la chiama casa.
From September 20–29, 2025, join me in Florence, the cradle of the Renaissance! We’ll study with ItalianMe teachers in the prestigious Via Tornabuoni and then explore the city’s museums, churches, and markets. Enjoy a sunset dinner overlooking the Arno and experience Florence through the eyes of a local.
Frase utile / Useful Phrase
“Mi sento proprio un fiorentino mentre sorseggio un caffè in Piazza della Signoria.”
I feel just like a Florentine while sipping a coffee in Piazza della Signoria.
Why choose a Matta program?
Lezioni di italiano al mattino, esperienze culturali nel pomeriggio!
Italian lessons in the morning, cultural adventures in the afternoon!
Vivi nel cuore della città in un appartamento privato.
Stay in a private apartment in the heart of the city.
Partecipa a festival, eventi e attività locali.
Join festivals, events, and local activities.
Esplora la Toscana con escursioni esclusive!
Explore Tuscany with exclusive excursions!
Fai amicizia e porta a casa ricordi indimenticabili!
Make friends and take home unforgettable memories!

Non perdere questa occasione!
Don’t miss this opportunity!
Non perdere questa occasione! Scrivimi o clicca il link sotto per prenotare il tuo posto e iniziare la tua avventura italiana!
Spots are filling! Don’t miss this opportunity! Reach out to me or click the link below to reserve your place and kick off your Italian adventure!
Un consiglio dalla Matta
Matta Italian Language Tip!
Vuoi parlare italiano con più sicurezza? Non aver paura di sbagliare!
La cosa importante è buttarsi! Se fai errori, significa che stai imparando!
Want to speak Italian with more confidence? Don’t be afraid to make mistakes!
The important thing is to dive in! If you make mistakes, it means you’re learning!

Explore Italy with Italian language enthusiasts
Accommodations, cost of school and activities and excursions, breakfasts, and most meals are provided. There will be evening spritzes with the group, delightful conversations with Italian friends who will drop in and participate in our group dinners, and the time to explore on your own during free afternoons. The best part… You can use what you learn in the classroom as soon as you step out into the piazza! Italian friends are also invited to dinner so that you can meet and converse in Italian with others outside our group. Programs have taken place in Lucca, Rome, Montepulciano, Venice, Florence, Lecce, Ascoli Piceno, and Arezzo.
Matta Italian Language Programs in Italy include:

June 14-27, 2025
Price: $4750
- Arezzo Program Duration: 14 Days & 13 Nights in Arezzo
- Italian Instructions: 10 Class days (36 Hours)
- Unlimited Conversation Practice
- Accommodations: Choice of Charming B&B, Modern Hotel, Apartment on Piazza Grande
- Welcome Aperitivo
- Welcome Dinner
- Group Dinners (9 included)
- Wine Tastings
- Excursions: Anghiari & Florence
- Two Cooking Classes
- Free Afternoons: Shopping
- Special Events: Participation in Jousting festival, including ticket to the even and Cena Propiziatoria

Sept 20-Sept 29, 2025
Price: $4750
- Florence Program Duration: 10 Days & 9 Nights in Florence
- Italian Instructions: 5 Class days (20 Hours)
- Unlimited Conversation Practice
- Accommodations: Choice of an apartment within Oltrarno
- Welcome Aperitivo
- Welcome Dinner
- Group Dinners (6 included)
- Wine Tastings
- Artisan Shop Visits
- Cooking Class
- Afternoon excursions/activities
- Free Afternoons to Shop or climb to the top of the Duomo Wandering / Shopping
- Special Musical evening: To be announced!

Arezzo Fall Joust
Sept 6 – Sept 8, 2025
Price: $950
- Weekend Joust Package Duration: 3 Days / 2 Nights at B&B le Chimera or Hotel Aretino
- Activities Included:
- Walking Tour of Arezzo
- Jousting Museum and Civic Center Tour
- Joust Seminar with Spritzes
- Ticket for Cena Propiziatoria in Santo Spirito Neighborhood
- Guided Visit to Santo Spirito Museo to see Golden Lances
- Tickets to Joust in Piazza Grande
- Sunday Evening Dinner in Centro to Celebrate the Winners!
Is it possible to participate only in the morning Italian language program as I currently live in Arezzo? Thanks!
Ciao Ellen, piacere sentirti. Ti scrivo in un messaggio diretto! A presto! Melissa