Benvenuti a Lucca! Matta Italian Language Immersion Program
Welcome to Lucca! A Language Adventure with Matta and Lucca Italian School!
Imparare l’italiano non è mai stato così divertente!
Learning Italian Has Never Been This Fun!
Cosa stiamo facendo questa settimana? Alcuni momenti indimenticabili.
What Have We Been Up To This Week? Just a few highlights.
Mangiamo benissimo nei ristoranti e nelle trattorie locali.
We are dining wonderfully in local restaurants and trattorias.
Mangiamo benissimo nei ristoranti e nelle trattorie locali.
We are dining wonderfully in local restaurants and trattorias.
Un video pomeridiano!
A Little Afternoon Video!
Ecco un piccolo video che ho girato questo pomeriggio nei pressi di Piazza San Michele.
Here is a little video I made this afternoon near Piazza San Michele.
Matta Video di lucca
Sempre un piacere!
Always a Pleasure!
È sempre un piacere essere a Lucca con amici e studenti!
It’s always a pleasure to be in Lucca with friends and students!
My husband Art and I were 2 of the lucky participants. If I had to pick a highlight from this adventure it would most certainly be the people! Our group, our teachers , our guides…Of course the venues were wonderful, hotel could not be more comfortable, Inviting, beautiful and perfectly located. The school is in a nutshell , engaging, enthralling, the location, building, teachers and teaching methods were a delightful surprise. And then there’s Lucca. A hidden gem. An unexpected taste of Tuscany ( literally and figuratively) without the overwhelming tourist onslaught expected in summer. The food is exquisite, the streets, the history, the locals, the WALL! The wall people! A medieval bulwark disguised as a park surrounding the entire city helped us work off the amazing food, cooked for, and, by us in amazing restaurants and organic wineries. But Melissa is the central force behind this success. The perfect hostess with boundless energy, bubbling enthusiasm, and attention to detail is the key to success. Thank you Melissa, for an amazing experience.
Ciao Micaela and Art! It was my extreme pleasure to have you both on board for this trip to Lucca! What fun to spend time together in one of the loveliest Italian towns in Italy! You both are delightful! I look forward to staying in touch! Un grande abbraccio! Melissa
Hi Melissa,,
I’ve been reading your blogs for over 5 years. – I enjoy them.
I have been studying Italian for about 8 years and would love to go on one of your trips. I have been teaching music at least he University of Green Bay for 26 years and I’m close to retirement.
My grandparents on my father’s side were born in Piana degli Albanese ( Sicily) my mom’s parents were born in the very south part of the country.
Thanks ,
John Salerno