Fai un Homestay con Alessandra sulla Costa Toscana

Make a Homestay with Alessandra on the Tuscan Coast

Esperienze indimenticabili a Livorno durante il tuo soggiorno
Unforgettable experiences in Livorno during your stay

Livorno, situata sulla pittoresca costa toscana, offre un mix unico di bellezze costiere, fascino storico e delizie culinarie. Durante un soggiorno con Alessandra e Raffaele, potrai connetterti con ospiti locali che ti offriranno conoscenze privilegiate, esperienze autentiche e un caloroso senso di appartenenza.

Livorno, located on the picturesque Tuscan coast, offers a unique blend of coastal beauty, historical charm, and culinary delights. During a homestay with Alessandra and Raffaele, you’ll connect with local hosts who provide insider knowledge, authentic experiences, and a warm sense of belonging.

Make a Homestay with Alessandra in Livorno!

Make a Reservation / Inquire About Dates  & Prices

    The price of Homestay depends on the Teacher, Region, Season, Length of stay, # Lessons, # Students. For 1 WEEK / 1 PERSON. The price could be in the Euro 1100 - Euro 2200 range. If this is within your budget, please continue with your homestay request.
  • (This refers to structured one-on-one lessons with your Homestay teacher. Keep in mind that throughout your entire Homestay experience you will immerse in the language as you interact and speak with your teacher, their friends & families during your stay.)

    When would you like to have your Italian Homestay?
    (These dates can change - we just need an idea of when, for now.)


    Select your preference for a Homestay Language Vacation in Italy
    Please select a homestay from the following drop-down menu. (You can select up to 3 homestays and we will check the availability for each one of your choices.)

    (Check all that apply.)
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.


If you would like to make a reservation, click on the form link above and indicate your first, second & third choices for an Italian Language Homestay, along with dates and language level. Melissa will respond as soon as she receives the form. If, for some reason, you don’t hear back immediately, please send a follow-up email to Homestay@studentessamatta.com

Alessandra’s Livorno Homestay Offers Special Cultural Activities that are Unique!


Percorso di assaggi vini della costa toscana
con Alessandra e Raffaele (30 euro)

Wine-tasting tour of Tuscan coast with Alessandra & Raffaele (30 euros)

Alla Bottega del Gusto Cibo Vino, davanti alla splendida passeggiata di Livorno, troverai la qualità e l’ospitalità tipiche livornesi. Qui potrai gustare specialità locali come ceci e aringhe, acciughe “alla povera,” e l’incredibile bordatino, una zuppa di fagioli rossi, cavolo nero e farina di mais.

At “Bottega del Gusto Cibo Vino,” by the beautiful Livorno promenade, enjoy Livornese specialties like chickpeas and herring, anchovies alla povera, and the unforgettable bordatino soup with red beans, kale, and cornmeal.

Lezione di pasta alla carbonara e degustazione (15 euro)

Learn to prepare pasta alla carbonara and enjoy a tasting (15 euros)

Raffaele, cuoco amatoriale appassionato, ti guiderà nella preparazione della pasta alla carbonara e di altri piatti tradizionali che non dimenticherai mai.

Raffaele, a passionate amateur cook, will guide you in preparing pasta alla carbonara and other unforgettable traditional dishes.

Gita in battello sui Fossi medicei (15 euro)

Boat tour of the Medici canals (15 euros)

Livorno, fondata dai Medici, è famosa per i suoi “Fossi,” un sistema unico di canali. Il tour in battello dura un’ora e offre prospettive sorprendenti tra edifici storici e fortezze antiche.

Livorno, founded by the Medici, is famous for its “Fossi,” a unique canal system. The boat tour offers an hour-long journey with stunning views of historic buildings and ancient fortresses.

Cena in un ristorante tipico di Livorno (40 euro)

Dinner in a typical Livorno restaurant (40 euros)

Gusta il famoso cacciucco, una zuppa di pesce tradizionale, accompagnato da un bicchiere di vino rosso toscano. Alessandra ti racconterà storie e leggende su questo piatto iconico.

Enjoy the renowned cacciucco, a traditional fish soup, paired with a glass of Tuscan red wine, as Alessandra shares stories and legends about this iconic dish.

Percorso nel “fast food” livornese a merenda (15 euro)

Foodie tour of Livorno’s “fast food” classics (15 euros)

Il 5 e 5: un panino con torta di ceci, un simbolo di Livorno dal 1930.
The 5 and 5: a chickpea cake sandwich, a symbol of Livorno since the 1930s.

Gli Scagliozzi: polenta fritta salata, venduta nelle friggitorie locali.
Scagliozzi: fried, salted polenta slices, sold in local fry shops.

Castagnaccio: dolce rustico con farina di castagne, uvetta e pinoli.
Castagnaccio: rustic chestnut flour cake with raisins and pine nuts.

Immergiti nelle tradizioni livornesi
Dive into Livornese traditions

Combinare un Homestay con Alessandra a Livorno con degustazioni di vino, lezioni di cucina e tour guidati offre la ricetta perfetta per una vacanza indimenticabile. Scoprirai la bellezza della costa toscana, il cuore delle tradizioni culinarie e il calore della comunità locale.

Combine a Homestay in Livorno with Alessandra with wine tastings, cooking classes, and guided tours for the perfect recipe for an unforgettable vacation. Discover the beauty of the Tuscan coast, culinary traditions, and the warmth of the local community.

Vivi e impara con un insegnante italiano in Italia!

Live and Learn with an Italian Teacher in Italy!

Italian Homestays immerse you in language and family life.

Embrace Italian Life: Your Home Away from Home in Italia!

Imagine learning Italian while immersing yourself in the language on vacation. Better yet, become part of an Italian family for a week, joining in daily activities like cooking, shopping, and enjoying movies in their cozy living room. Homestay vacations offer a glimpse into everyday life in Italy and provide formal instruction from your teacher and hostess. Spend the rest of your time practicing Italian with your host and other family members, forging unforgettable bonds and gaining a true appreciation for Italian life.

Please note that your Italian teacher is generously opening their home to provide accommodations, lessons, meals, and excursions during your stay. It’s not just a budget-friendly option but an investment in your Italian language journey—an invaluable opportunity. Prices vary based on season, duration, lesson hours, and location, typically ranging from $1000 to $3600 for a week.

Make a Reservation / Inquire About Dates  & Prices

    The price of Homestay depends on the Teacher, Region, Season, Length of stay, # Lessons, # Students. For 1 WEEK / 1 PERSON. The price could be in the Euro 1100 - Euro 2200 range. If this is within your budget, please continue with your homestay request.
  • (This refers to structured one-on-one lessons with your Homestay teacher. Keep in mind that throughout your entire Homestay experience you will immerse in the language as you interact and speak with your teacher, their friends & families during your stay.)

    When would you like to have your Italian Homestay?
    (These dates can change - we just need an idea of when, for now.)


    Select your preference for a Homestay Language Vacation in Italy
    Please select a homestay from the following drop-down menu. (You can select up to 3 homestays and we will check the availability for each one of your choices.)

    (Check all that apply.)
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.


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