Vieni in Italia con Melissa! Unisciti ai Programmi Matta
Come to Italy with Melissa! Join the Matta Programs for an Unforgettable Experience
Immergiti nella lingua e cultura italiana con Melissa nell’2025
Immerse yourself in the Italian language and culture with Melissa in 2025
Ogni anno offro esperienze di apprendimento in Italia per studenti di italiano di tutti i livelli. Che tu sia un principiante o uno studente avanzato, avrai l’opportunità di migliorare le tue abilità linguistiche in un ambiente rilassato e divertente. Ogni giorno viviamo la vita italiana autentica e facciamo nuove scoperte. Potrebbe essere stringere amicizia con il barista del tuo caffè preferito, chiacchierare con il vicino dell’appartamento privato dove alloggi, o conversare con il proprietario del B&B durante la colazione. Ogni momento nei programmi Matta è un’opportunità per parlare, imparare e divertirsi!
Each year, I offer immersive learning experiences in Italy for students of all levels. Whether you’re a beginner or more advanced, you’ll have the chance to refine your Italian skills in a relaxed and enjoyable atmosphere. Every day, we embrace authentic Italian life and make new discoveries. It could be forming a friendship with your local barista, chatting with the neighbor next door to your private apartment, or engaging in conversation with the B&B owner over breakfast. Every moment in a Matta program is an opportunity to speak, learn, and enjoy!

Nuove Avventure Matta nel 2025!
New Matta Adventures in 2025!
Nel 2025 tornerò ad Arezzo a giugno per il Programma Matta di 10 giorni e di nuovo a settembre per il Weekend della Giostra del Saracino. Inoltre, a fine settembre, lancerò un nuovo programma a Firenze in collaborazione con la scuola di lingua ItalianMe!
In 2025, I’ll return to Arezzo in June for the Matta 10-day Program, and again in September for the Fall Joust Weekend. Then, at the end of September, I’ll introduce a brand-new program in Florence in collaboration with the ItalianMe language school!
Ogni programma è limitato a soli 10 partecipanti e i posti si stanno esaurendo rapidamente!
Each program is limited to just 10 participants, and spots are filling up quickly!
A conferma della loro popolarità, tre studenti del Programma Matta Arezzo 2024 si sono già iscritti di nuovo, e due studenti del Programma Matta Lucca 2025 si uniranno a me a Firenze!
A true testament to their popularity, THREE students from the 2024 Matta Arezzo Program have already signed up again, and TWO students from the 2024 Lucca Program will be joining me in Florence!
Five students from last year are joining me again this year!
Gli studenti amano tornare perché ogni esperienza è sempre fresca e coinvolgente. Come ha detto uno dei partecipanti: “Melissa riesce sempre a farci sentire come se stessimo vedendo le cose per la prima volta. Anche quando il luogo è lo stesso, l’esperienza è sempre nuova e indimenticabile!”
Students love coming back because every experience feels fresh and exciting. As one participant put it, “Melissa always makes it feel like we’re seeing things for the first time. Even when the setting is familiar, the experience is always new and unforgettable!”
We become friends and share a special language bond.
It is an experience that will enrich your life.

Programma Matta di Giugno ad Arezzo:
June Matta Program in Arezzo: June 14 – 27, 2025
Tornerò ad Arezzo a giugno con la mia amica e collega Paola Testi, direttrice di Cultura Italiana.
Gli studenti possono scegliere di soggiornare in un appartamento privato con cucina o in un B&B nel centro storico. Le lezioni di italiano si svolgeranno ogni mattina dalle 9:30 alle 13:00, suddivise per livello linguistico. Nel pomeriggio, continueremo a praticare l’italiano attraverso attività culturali e escursioni, tra cui:
I’ll return to Arezzo in June with my friend and colleague Paola Testi, director of Cultura Italiana. Students can choose to stay in a private apartment with a kitchen or in a B&B in the historic city center. Morning Italian lessons will take place from 9:30 AM to 1:00 PM, divided by language level. In the afternoons, we’ll continue practicing Italian through cultural activities and excursions, including:
Fare la pasta fresca insieme
Making fresh pasta together
Visitare chiese e monumenti storici
Visiting historic churches and landmarks
Seguire le orme di Cosimo de’ Medici e Piero della Francesca
Following in the footsteps of Cosimo de’ Medici and Piero della Francesca
Creare il nostro affresco con un artista locale
Possibility of creating our own fresco with a local artist
Partecipare alla Giostra del Saracino!
Participating in the Giostra del Saracino festival!

Weekend della Giostra del Saracino ad Arezzo
Fall Weekend Joust Program in Arezzo: September 6 – 8, 2025
Se sei in Italia a settembre e vuoi un’esperienza unica, unisciti a me per un entusiasmante weekend di 4 giorni durante la Giostra del Saracino!
If you’re in Italy in September and looking for a unique experience, join me for an exciting 4-day weekend during the Giostra del Saracino festival!
Alloggio in un B&B in Centro
Accommodations in the City Center
Biglietti per la Giostra del Saracino in Piazza Grande
Tickets to see the Giostra in Piazza Grande
Biglietti per la cena propiziatoria in quartiere di Santa Spirito
Tickets to the Cena Propiziatoria in the Santo Spirito Quartiere
Seminario sulla Giostra
Joust Seminar
Visita Guidata della città
Guided City Tour

Nuovo Programma Matta a Firenze!
New Matta Program in Florence: September 20 – 29, 2025
Unisciti a me a Firenze per il nuovo Programma di Lingua Italiana Matta che guiderò lì! Proprio come nel programma di Arezzo, gli studenti alloggeranno in appartamenti privati nel caratteristico quartiere dell’Oltrarno, a soli 10-15 minuti a piedi dalla Scuola ItalianMe, dove seguiranno lezioni di italiano al mattino, personalizzate in base al loro livello linguistico.
Join me in Florence for the new Matta Italian Language Program that I will be guiding there! Much like the Arezzo program, students will reside in private apartments in the charming Oltrarno district, just a 10-15 minute walk from ItalianMe School, where they will attend morning Italian classes tailored to their language level.
Dalle lezioni mattutine alle esperienze culturali immersive del pomeriggio, questo programma ti permetterà di vivere, respirare e parlare italiano in una delle città più affascinanti del mondo! Le nostre attività includeranno:
From morning classes to immersive afternoon cultural experiences, this program will allow you to live, breathe, and speak Italian in one of the most stunning cities in the world! Our experiences will include:
Esplorare i Palazzi Medicei e i Tesori del Rinascimento
Exploring Medici Palaces & Renaissance Landmarks
Ammirare l’Arte di Classe Mondiale e i Capolavori Nascosti
Admiring World-Class Art & Hidden Masterpieces
Assaporare il Vino Toscano e la Cucina Tradizionale
Imparare l’Arte della Cucina Italiana
Imparare l’Arte della Cucina Italiana
Learning the Art of Italian Cooking
Vivere la Cultura Vibrante di Firenze e fare lo shopping
Experiencing Florence’s Vibrant Culture & Shopping
Unisciti a noi nel 2025 per più divertente “Matta” apprendimento in Italia!
Join us in 2025 for more “Matta” Italian learning fun in Italy!
Signup on the Matta blog, reserve your spot with a deposit of $550. Remainder of trip fees due approximately 60 days prior to trip start date.
Book a 15-minute informational call to discuss your participation! Click here to chat with me.
Travel with Melissa and learn Italian in Italy!
View the current Italian language and culture immersion programs.
Ecco alcuni commenti di partecipanti ai miei viaggi recenti.
Here are a few comments from participants of my recent trips.
“Melissa organized a wonderful trip to Arezzo. The accommodations were great! Our B&B was well located, and Barbara and her father were lovely hosts who went out of their way to make us comfortable. The language school was excellent: Paola, the director, has an amazing staff. I loved the daily classes taught by fun and engaging teachers. Melissa planned interesting activities and fantastic meals. We were never hungry! Bravo Melissa and thank you for an unforgettable trip!”
– Jeannene M. (Arezzo 2017)
“I enjoyed and got a lot out of my two weeks in Melissa’s program in Arezzo. It was a good mix of planned activities, classroom learning, and free time. Whether you’re a beginner, intermediate, or advanced, there’s something here for everyone. Enjoy!”
– Geoffrey C. (Arezzo 2017)
“I had an absolutely fantastic time in Arezzo! Every day was special. The 4-hour classes were fun and never boring. Paola is a great teacher who knows how to get beginners interacting with the language. Every afternoon held something special: a market stroll, a visit to a local jeweler, a cooking class and dinner, a visit to the cathedral, or the famous Joust. Plus, the instructors shared fascinating and enriching details. Our group of 8 was perfect: we connected and had so much fun, especially enjoying great Italian food and wine together. This is the experience for anyone who loves ITALY and wants to learn more about its language, culture, food, and art history!”
– Patty C. (Arezzo 2017)
“My husband Art and I were two of the lucky participants. If I had to pick a highlight, it would certainly be the people! Our group, our teachers, our guides… Of course, the venues were wonderful, and the hotel was inviting, beautiful, and perfectly located. The school was engaging and enthralling: the location, teachers, and methods were a delightful surprise. And then there’s Lucca, a hidden gem. An unexpected taste of Tuscany without the overwhelming summer tourist crowds. The food was exquisite, the streets charming, the history captivating, and the medieval wall, turned park, helped us work off all the amazing food! Melissa is the key to this success: the perfect hostess with boundless energy, contagious enthusiasm, and great attention to detail. Thank you, Melissa, for an amazing experience!”
– Micaela R. (Lucca 2017)