Onorata per l’Eccellenza nella Narrativa per Bambini

Honored for Excellence in Children’s Fiction

La Piccola Sofia vince la medaglia d’argento ai Reader Views Literary Awards 2025.
Celebrating a Milestone: La Piccola Sofia Wins Silver in the 2025 Reader Views Literary Awards!

Sono assolutamente entusiasta di condividere che La Piccola Sofia ha ricevuto la Medaglia d’Argento per la Narrativa per Giovani Lettori (8-12 anni) ai Reader Views Literary Awards 2025! Che onore incredibile vedere il mio lavoro riconosciuto accanto a quello di tanti autori talentuosi.

I am absolutely thrilled to share that La Piccola Sofia has been awarded the Silver Medal for Young Readers Fiction (ages 8-12) in the 2025 Reader Views Literary Awards! What an incredible honor to see my work recognized alongside so many talented authors.

Questo premio significa moltissimo per me, e sono profondamente grata ai giudici e ai lettori di Reader Views per il loro supporto e incoraggiamento. La Piccola Sofia è stata una gioia da creare, e sapere che la sua storia ha toccato il cuore dei giovani e non così giovani lettori è davvero emozionante!

This award means the world to me, and I’m deeply grateful to the judges and readers at Reader Views for their support and encouragement. La Piccola Sofia was a joy to create, and it’s heartwarming to know that her story has resonated with young and not so young readers!

L’Annuncio da Reader Views.
The Announcement from Reader Views:

“We are pleased to extend our congratulations on being one of the esteemed winners of the 2024-2025 Reader Views Literary Awards program. This achievement is a testament to your extraordinary talent and the innovative spirit you bring to the world of literature, especially within the vibrant community of self-published authors.

The Reader Views Literary Awards were established to honor the talent and creativity of authors who publish independently—whether through self-publishing, small presses, university presses, or subsidy publishers. Our mission is to showcase fresh, compelling voices that contribute to the diverse world of literature.

Once again, congratulations on your well-deserved success. Your ability to navigate the challenges of independent publishing and produce a work of such quality and significance is truly inspiring.

We look forward to celebrating with you and continuing to support your literary endeavors.”

Inside Scoop! Sofia e suoi amici tornerà con una nuova storia!
Notizia! Sofia and her friends will return with a new story!

Ho già in cantiere una nuova avventura di Piccola Sofia! Non vedo l’ora di scoprire dove mi porterà l’ispirazione.

Exciting news—I already have plans for a brand-new Piccola Sofia adventure! I can’t wait to see where inspiration takes me next.

Grazie di Cuore!
Thanks from the heart!

Un sentito grazie a tutti coloro che hanno sostenuto il mio lavoro, dai miei meravigliosi lettori al fantastico team di Reader Views. Il vostro riconoscimento e il vostro entusiasmo mi ispirano a continuare a condividere storie che accendono la curiosità e danno vita alla lingua.

A heartfelt thank you to everyone who has supported my work, from my wonderful readers to the amazing team at Reader Views. Your recognition and enthusiasm inspire me to continue sharing stories that ignite curiosity and bring language to life.

Introduce Sofia to your big or little language learners!

Sofia, la Piccola Matta Teaches Italian

Numbers, Colors & Beginning Italian Made Fun!
Matta Italian Language Learning for Big & Small Kids
By Melissa Muldoon

Join Sofia and her beagle, Moka, on a captivating journey through Italy in the children’s book “Sofia, la Piccola Matta Teaches Italian: Numbers, Colors & Beginning Italian Made Fun!” Discover language lessons intertwined with adventures in Tuscany’s hills and markets. Perfect for young learners eager to explore Italian culture and language.

You can find all my novels set in Italy on
Amazon in print, epub, and audiobook.

Find Books by Melissa Muldoon on Amazon

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  1. Melissa many congratulations on being awarded the Silver medal for your book La Piccola Sofia, you are a lady of many talents
    Abbracci Carol