Da Santuario a Rifugio: Una Chiesa Medievale Diventa Casa
From Sanctuary to Sanctuary: A Medieval Church Becomes Home
Uno Spazio Sacro Reinventato: Vivere il Sogno Toscano
A Sacred Space Reimagined: Living the Tuscan Dream
Oggi ho una sorpresa speciale per i lettori del blog di Studentessa Matta. Ho invitato l’autrice Kyle Tackwell Ball a scrivere un post per noi. Sono rimasta affascinata dal suo memoir sulla ristrutturazione di una proprietà che ha acquistato vicino a Greve, in Toscana. Ma non ha comprato una casa qualsiasi! Invece, si è innamorata di una chiesa e l’ha trasformata in una casa.
Today, I have a special treat for the readers of the Studentessa Matta blog. I invited author Kyle Tackwell Ball to write a post for us. I was captivated by her memoir about renovating a property she bought near Greve in Tuscany. But she didn’t purchase just any house! Instead, she fell in love with a church and turned it into a home.

- Photo Credit: Kyle Ball
- Photo Credit: Kyle Ball
La magia di una chiesa trasformata
The Magic of a Transformed Church
Nel suo libro intitolato “Altared: A Tale of Renovating a Medieval Church in Tuscany,” Kyle racconta le sue molteplici esperienze italiane, che sono divertenti e interessanti! Ora, qui sul blog, sono felice di condividere con voi un assaggio dei ricordi di Kyle e delle sue avventure in Italia.
In her book, “Altared: A Tale of Renovating a Medieval Church in Tuscany,” Kyle shares her many Italian experiences, which are both fun and fascinating! Now, here on the blog, I’m thrilled to give you a taste of Kyle’s memories and her Italian adventures.

Le parole di Kyle / In Kyle’s Words
Per presentarmi ai lettori e agli studenti di Melissa, io e mio marito abbiamo acquistato una proprietà storica vicino a Firenze nel 2000. Ho scritto un libro sui nostri anni trascorsi lì, “Altared: A Tale of Renovating a Medieval Church in Tuscany.” Questa avventura italiana, durata 11 anni, ha cambiato la mia vita, per lo più in meglio, e mi ha fornito un’infinità di aneddoti per intrattenere gli ospiti ai cocktail party per gli anni a venire.
By way of introduction to Melissa’s readers and students, my husband and I purchased a historic property outside Florence in 2000. I’ve written a book about our years there, “Altared: A Tale of Renovating a Medieval Church in Tuscany.” This 11-year Italian adventure changed my life, mostly for the better, and will provide endless material to entertain guests at cocktail parties for years to come.
Melissa asked me to write about living in Italy and/or learning the language. I found driving in a foreign country to be challenging, especially in Italy. One-way streets, pedestrian crossings, blind corners, and restricted access areas all contribute to the chaos if you’re trying to park and walk into town. Our home was in Greve-in-Chianti, only a 30-minute drive south of Florence, so I would often find myself in, literally, a tough spot trying to find a parking place in Florence.
One morning, I was late for a meeting with my notaio (lawyer) whose office is located in the heart of the city. Visibility was low, and the rain-soaked streets made for slick stops and starts. As I rounded a corner towards my favorite parking garage a moped – driven by a helmeted young man – swiped just to the left of my car, almost striking the mirror. I slammed on the brakes and said a silent prayer of thanks for not injuring the rider. I said a couple of other things I had learned in Italian, but they are not printable here. He had come out of nowhere, and exited just as quickly, weaving in and out between the parked cars on the road. As he flipped up his middle finger, the universal sign for his frustration, he yelled out an Italian phrase that has stuck with me ever since, and one I thought was warranted considering the circumstances: “Stupida Donna!!!!”
Friends who visited us and rented a car to tour the Tuscan countryside were a constant source of amusement and amazement. I would rarely agree to ride with them, my basic survival instinct, coupled with the raw fear of their incompetence behind the wheel pitted against Italian drivers, in full gear. They would inevitably call my cellphone during outings, asking how to exit the area around the Duomo in central Florence and find a parking spot on the Ponte Vecchio. (A word to the wise – there is no parking on the Ponte Vecchio.) How they drove that far into town without being stopped at a checkpoint, or how they negotiated the tiny cobblestoned streets meant only for pedestrians, was perplexing. If they didn’t arrive home in time for an aperitivo at 5 pm, I started the cocktail hour without them.
A visit from our friends, the Tilghman family, provided an interesting lunch outing in Castellina-in-Chianti. This tiny Tuscan gem has several nice restaurants in the center of town, but one of our guests suggested a country eatery he had read about in a “Slow Food Guide to Italy.” Things were a little crazy with so many guests, and I neglected to call ahead and see if the restaurant was open. We chugged along in our rented minivan towards the address, but eventually ended up in a field with no discernible road thanks to Dave’s GPS and “foolproof” printed directions. As it turned out, the restaurant was long closed, and I had to back up through a field of cows and sheep, trying desperately to get back to the main highway.
The lessons I learned to live by in Italy, which included a three plus year renovation of an abandoned church, still stand. Most problems are better solved after a glass or two of Chianti Classico Riserva.

Grazie, Kyle! Thank You, Kyle!
La trasformazione di una chiesa in una casa che Kyle ha realizzato è davvero mozzafiato. Mi fa quasi venire voglia di partire subito per la Toscana per trovare una chiesa da convertire in abitazione!
The transformation of a church into a home that Kyle accomplished is truly breathtaking. It almost makes me want to head straight to Tuscany to find a church to convert into a residence!
Torna in Toscana con me
Return to Tuscany with Me
Se desiderate tornare in Toscana (e chi non lo vorrebbe????), unitevi al prossimo programma di immersione linguistica italiana Matta.
If you’d like to return to Tuscany (and who wouldn’t????), join me on the next Matta Italian language immersion program.
Thank you so much for including me in your guest blog, Melissa! It was an honor!!
Il piacere è il mio! Grazie a te! <3