Photo Credit: Studentessa Matta DepositPhotos

È ottobre ed è proprio l’ora di riconcentrarvi sui vostri obiettivi di apprendimento della lingua! Per aiutarvi a migliorare, la gente di iTalki ha creato l’OCTOBER LANGUAGE CHALLENGE. Con gli insegnanti di iTalki l’apprendimento delle lingue è diventato ancor più facile e conveniente! È possibile frequentare lezioni dalla comodità nella vostra sedia davanti al vostro computer, usando Skype. Necessario solo andare sul sito di iTalki, selezionare un insegnante e poi fissare un appuntamento usando il calendario on-line. Affare fatto!

It is October time to rededicate yourself to your language learning goals! To help you move to the next level, the folks at iTalki have created a new OCTOBER LANGUAGE CHALLENGE. With teachers from iTalki Language learning just got a little easier and more convenient! You can take lessons from the comfort of your own desk chair using Skype. Simply log into the iTalki site, select a teacher and schedule an appointment using the online calendar. That’s it!


A partire dal 15 ottobre fino al 31 ottobre la vostra sfida sarà fare 6 ore di lezione con un insegnante di iTalki. Cioè 6 ore di lezioni in 2 settimane. Potete scegliere qualsiasi lingua e qualsiasi insegnante! Dopo la “Challenge” riceverete un bonus di 200 ITC (iTalki Credits)

Starting on October 15 and lasting until October 31 your challenge will be to take 6 hours of language classes with an iTalki teacher. That is 6 hours of iTalki lessons in 2 weeks. You can choose any language and any language teacher! By completing the challenge you will receive a bonus of 200 ITC (iTalki Credits).


Per i lettori del blog Matta, cliccate qui per ricevere 10 dollari gratis da usare su iTalki. Questi potrebbero anche essere usati per l’evento: October Challenge.

For first time Matta Blog readers, click here and you will receive 10 USD for language lessons for free. This will help with the October Challenge event.


Anch’io parteciperò all’October Challenge. Infatti ho già prenotato 6 lezioni con tanti insegnanti italiani. Che cosa state aspettando? Muovetevi! Iscrivetevi oggi per il Ottobre Language Challenge. Non vedo l’ora di saperne più delle vostre esperienze.

I will also be participating in the October Challenge. I have already booked 6 sessions with some very fine Italian teachers. I will be reporting about my experiences in the following two weeks prior to the October 15 kick-off date! What are you waiting for! Get moving! Sign up today for the October Language Challenge. I look forward to hearing about your experiences!

Here are the challenge rules:

STEP 1: Sign Up
The signup fee for the Challenge is 100 ITC (iTalki Credits)

STEP 2: Take 6 Hours of online lessons
Take lessons with any Community Tutor or Professional Teacher during the second half of October (15 – 31st)

STEP 3: Win 200 ITC
And improve your language skills! Nothing beats learning and winning at the same time!

Before you submit your entrance fee, we just want to confirm the basic rules.

I understand that the 100 ITC sign-up fee for the Challenge is non-refundable.
I will try to complete 6 hours’ worth of lessons on italki from October 18th to Oct 31st.
I understand that I will have to purchase and take these lessons on italki.
I understand that if I complete the Challenge I will receive 200 ITC as a reward!

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