Are you learning Italian but have no one to practice with?
Do you need an Italian language coach and lessons?

Photo Credit: Studentessa Matta

Think of the progress you could make by working with a sympathetic and experienced Italian tutor.

Are you learning Italian but have no one to practice conversation with? Or do you need an Italian language coach and personalized lessons? Think of the progress you could make by having a casual and relaxed conversation with a sympathetic and experienced tutor? Imagine the satisfaction you will have when your confidence level increases, your language knowledge improves, and your motivation to continue your learning journey is refueled.

Sign up for Informal Italian Conversation Practice or Personalized Coaching and Language Lessons with me through the Matta website. No matter what your level, I’ll help you improve your Italian language skills!

Let’s Chat! Facciamo due chiacchiere!

Let’s Learn! Impariamo!


Are you getting ready for a trip to Italy and want
to polish your conversation skills and improve
your listening comprehension?

Would you like to have an informal conversation, chat about Italy, brush up on grammar points you haven’t quite mastered, or try out some new vocabulary? Or perhaps you have previously studied Italian and would just love to share a cup of coffee (or a glass of wine) and put your language skills to good use! Non preoccuparti! I’ve got you covered! Facciamo due chiacchiere!

During our Informal Conversation Practice Sessions, we chat about daily life and current events and improve spontaneous conversation and speaking abilities. Questions you may have about grammar points will be addressed, and explanations provided as needed.

Sign up for:

One-Hour Informal Chat Session

Click the Button Below to Reserve & Pay

You are paying for a one-hour chat. Click on the link above and select a Date and Time on the calendar to get started. Cancellation of a chat within less than 24-hours forfeits the option to reschedule.

Package of FIVE One-Hour Chat Sessions

Click the Button Below to Reserve & Pay

You are paying a one-time fee for a packet of five one-hour chats. Click on the link above and select a Start Date and Time on the calendar. The following four pre-booked chats will occur consecutively on the same day at the same time, or for the remaining chats you have the flexibility to skip a week or change days. We will discuss your personalized schedule during our first meeting. I will need advance notice of any plan changes not previously confirmed. Cancellation of chats less than 24-hours forfeits that chat and the option to reschedule.


Are you looking for personalized language coaching and structured Italian lessons with exercises?

Based on your level of Italian, I will create customized lessons designed to improve reading, writing, and listening comprehension skills to help you become a more fluid and flexible speaker.

We will review grammar tenses, prepositions, direct and indirect pronouns, articles, vocabulary, and phrases like “ci vuole”, “ne parliamo” and “mi piace.” There is even the possibility of reading a short story in Italian, reading it out loud to improve pronunciation and listening skills, and answering questions about the story to improve reading comprehension. In our first meeting, we will decide what you would most like to improve and I will customize lessons focusing on your interests and needs. Your retention of the material covered will be reinforced by fun exercises done together.

PACKAGE of FIVE 1-Hour Language Coaching/Italian Lessons

Click the Button Below to Reserve & Pay

You pay a one-time fee for a Packet of Five One-Hour Language Coaching & Personalized Italian Lessons. Click on the link above and select a Start Date and Time on the calendar. The following four pre-booked sessions will occur consecutively on the same day at the same time, or for the remaining sessions, you have the flexibility to skip a week or change days. We will discuss your personalized schedule during our first meeting. I will need advance notice of any plan changes not previously confirmed. Cancellation of appointments less than 24-hours forfeits that session and the option to reschedule.

Feeling shy about speaking Italian?

Are you afraid to open your mouth and speak Italian, fearing you will sound ridiculous? With a sympathetic language partner, you can practice what you already know. When you do, you gain confidence, you are less intimidated, and language learning becomes easier.

Feeling frustrated you arren’t improving faster?

Are you forgetting things you learned a few weeks ago, and your language skills, in general, are getting rusty? With a language partner, you can overcome these obstacles by reinforcing vocabulary and grammar and continue moving forward on your language learning journey.

Losing motivation to keep learning Italian?

You love speaking Italian, but there is no one in your community to practice with, so you are losing the incentive to learn. With a regular or even part-time language partner, you will have a new purpose to keep up your language skills! It fuels your language learning train and learning becomes FUN again. 

Let me help you take
your Italian skills further…

Photo Credit: Studentessa Matta

We will kick the tires, and check the gear box to get your Italian language “Vespa’s” motor going again!

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