Conosci Renata: La tua guida alla lingua e cultura italiana a Milano

Meet Renata — Your Homestay Teacher in Milan!

Conosci Renata, la tua insegnante a Milano
Get to know Renata, your homestay teacher in Milan

In un guest post, Renata si presenta. Racconta la sua filosofia di insegnamento e il motivo per cui accoglie studenti di lingua italiana nella sua casa a Milano.

In a guest post, Renata introduces herself. She shares her teaching philosophy and why she welcomes students of the Italian language into her home in Milan.

Conoscere una seconda lingua è possedere una seconda anima
To know a second language is to possess a second soul

“Conoscere una seconda lingua è possedere una seconda anima,” proclamò Carlo Magno, e imparare una lingua straniera è molto più che padroneggiare regole grammaticali, pronuncia e ortografia. Significa abbracciare la cultura di chi la parla, scoprire il loro paese, intraprendere un viaggio senza fine e arricchirsi nel processo.

“To know a second language is to possess a second soul,” proclaimed Charlemagne, and learning a foreign language is much more than mastering grammar rules, pronunciation, and spelling. It means embracing the culture of those who speak it, discovering their country, embarking on an endless journey, and enriching yourself in the process.

Un viaggio verso l’immersione culturale
A journey toward cultural immersion

Durante i miei studi di Lingue e Letterature Straniere all’università, ho capito che la grammatica da sola non basta. Così, ho vissuto un anno in Francia e poi in Spagna. Immergendomi nella cultura francese e spagnola, mettevo in pratica ciò che studiavo: conversavo, vivevo con la gente, scambiavo idee, leggevo, studiavo la storia, viaggiavo e ascoltavo.

While studying Foreign Languages and Literature at university, I realized grammar alone wasn’t enough. I spent a year in France and later in Spain, immersing myself in their cultures. I practiced what I learned: conversing, living with locals, exchanging ideas, reading, studying history, traveling, and listening.

L’inizio della mia passione per l’insegnamento
The beginning of my passion for teaching

Dopo la laurea, ho iniziato a insegnare francese nelle scuole superiori e a dare lezioni private. Il mio approccio era sempre teorico e culturale, per offrire una comprensione più profonda.

After graduation, I started teaching French in high schools and offering private lessons. My approach combined theory and culture to provide a richer understanding.

Una passione per insegnare l’italiano
A passion for teaching Italian

Quando i miei figli erano piccoli, un’amica inglese mi chiese di insegnarle l’italiano. Con lei, ho rivissuto la mia esperienza di imparare una lingua straniera. Questo incontro ha acceso in me la passione per trasmettere la lingua e la cultura italiana agli altri, portandomi a specializzarmi nell’insegnamento dell’italiano agli stranieri.

When my children were young, an English friend asked me to teach her Italian. Through her, I relived my own experience of learning a foreign language. This encounter sparked my passion for sharing Italian language and culture, leading me to specialize in teaching Italian to foreigners.

Impara l’italiano e scopri Milano con Renata
Learn Italian and discover Milan with Renata

Considera una vacanza linguistica in homestay con Renata!
Consider a Homestay Language Vacation with Renata!

Embrace Italian Life: Your Home Away from Home in Italia!

Imagine learning Italian while immersing yourself in the language on vacation. Better yet, become part of an Italian family for a week, joining in daily activities like cooking, shopping, and enjoying movies in their cozy living room. Homestay vacations offer a glimpse into everyday life in Italy and provide formal instruction from your teacher and hostess. Spend the rest of your time practicing Italian with your host and other family members, forging unforgettable bonds and gaining a true appreciation for Italian life.

Please note that your Italian teacher is generously opening their home to provide accommodations, lessons, meals, and excursions during your stay. It’s not just a budget-friendly option but an investment in your Italian language journey—an invaluable opportunity. Prices vary based on season, duration, lesson hours, and location, typically ranging from $1000 to $3600 for a week.

Make a Reservation / Inquire About Dates  & Prices

    The price of Homestay depends on the Teacher, Region, Season, Length of stay, # Lessons, # Students. For 1 WEEK / 1 PERSON. The price could be in the Euro 1100 - Euro 2200 range. If this is within your budget, please continue with your homestay request.
  • (This refers to structured one-on-one lessons with your Homestay teacher. Keep in mind that throughout your entire Homestay experience you will immerse in the language as you interact and speak with your teacher, their friends & families during your stay.)

    When would you like to have your Italian Homestay?
    (These dates can change - we just need an idea of when, for now.)


    Select your preference for a Homestay Language Vacation in Italy
    Please select a homestay from the following drop-down menu. (You can select up to 3 homestays and we will check the availability for each one of your choices.)

    (Check all that apply.)
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.


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