Il Paradiso delle Signore Stagione 2: Il Destino di Mori è Segnato?
Il Paradiso delle Signore Season 2: Is Mori’s Fate Sealed?
Un grande ritorno in TV
A Grand Return to TV
Quest’autunno, la seconda stagione di Il Paradiso delle Signore è tornata su Rai1, e come fan della prima stagione (trasmessa nel 2015), non vedevo l’ora di rivederla! Conosco ormai bene tutti i personaggi—Teresa, Pietro, Vittorio e gli altri—e volevo scoprire come si sarebbero evolute le loro storie, in particolare quella di Pietro e sua moglie, che, apparsa negli ultimi minuti della prima stagione, ha complicato il loro amore.
This fall, the second season of Il Paradiso delle Signore aired on Rai1, and as a fan of the first season (which aired in 2015), I couldn’t wait to dive back in! By now, I’m well-acquainted with all the characters—Teresa, Pietro, Vittorio, and others—and was eager to see how their stories would unfold, especially the drama surrounding Pietro’s wife, who showed up in the final moments of Season 1 and threw a wrench into their romance.

Guardare insieme ai fan italiani
Watching Alongside Italian Fans
Dopo la conclusione della serie nel 2016, l’ho seguita sui social media in attesa di notizie sul proseguimento. Immaginate la mia gioia quando ho scoperto che la seconda stagione sarebbe andata in onda mentre ero in Italia! Ho avuto il piacere di guardarla in diretta con i fan locali: un’esperienza davvero emozionante.
After the series ended in 2016, I followed it on social media, eagerly awaiting news of a continuation. Imagine my excitement when I discovered that Season 2 would air while I was in Italy! I had the pleasure of watching it live alongside local fans—a truly thrilling experience.

Un viaggio negli anni ’50
A Journey to the 1950s
La serie, ambientata nel 1956, racconta la storia di Teresa Iorio, che lascia la Sicilia per trasferirsi a Milano, dove lavora come “Venera” nel primo grande magazzino italiano, Il Paradiso delle Signore. Con 20 episodi, la serie intreccia moda, marketing, amore, intrighi e amicizie, mostrando anche il boom economico del dopoguerra e il cambiamento dei ruoli delle donne nella società italiana.
The series, set in 1956, tells the story of Teresa Iorio, who leaves Sicily to move to Milan, where she works as a “Venera” in Italy’s first department store, Il Paradiso delle Signore. Spanning 20 episodes, the show weaves together fashion, marketing, love, intrigue, and friendships, while also depicting the post-war economic boom and the evolving role of women in Italian society.

Intrighi e colpi di scena
Drama and Twists
Naturalmente, niente va mai come previsto: ci sono triangoli amorosi, affari loschi e drammi familiari. La serie è camp e a tratti esagerata, ma i personaggi sono così ben scritti che ti ritrovi a fare il tifo per loro, nonostante i loro difetti. (Pietro Mori, con il suo fascino irresistibile e il suo problema con l’alcol, ne è un esempio lampante!).
Of course, nothing ever goes as planned: there are love triangles, shady business deals, and family drama. The series is campy and over-the-top at times, but the characters are so well-written that you can’t help rooting for them despite their flaws. (Pietro Mori, with his irresistible charm and drinking problem, is a prime example!)

Un finale scioccante
A Shocking Finale
La seconda stagione è iniziata alla grande, ma il finale ha lasciato me—e tanti altri fan—scioccata. Sul serio? È così che finiscono le cose? Il destino di Teresa e Pietro è appeso a un filo, e i fan hanno iniziato a chiedere a gran voce una terza stagione, persino creando petizioni su Facebook.
Season 2 started strong, but the ending left me—and many fans—shocked. Really? That’s how they’re leaving things? The fate of Teresa and Pietro hangs in the balance, and fans have been clamoring for a third season ever since, even creating petitions on Facebook.
Naturalmente, niente va mai come previsto: ci sono triangoli amorosi, affari loschi e drammi familiari. La serie è camp e a tratti esagerata, ma i personaggi sono così ben scritti che ti ritrovi a fare il tifo per loro, nonostante i loro difetti. (Pietro Mori, con il suo fascino irresistibile e il suo problema con l’alcol, ne è un esempio lampante!).
Of course, nothing ever goes as planned: there are love triangles, shady business deals, and family drama. The series is campy and over-the-top at times, but the characters are so well-written that you can’t help rooting for them despite their flaws. (Pietro Mori, with his irresistible charm and drinking problem, is a prime example!)
Did the DVD has subtitles in English? I want to buy the second season, but my Italian is not that good.
Amazon web site says the subtitles are in Italian on the DVD set for $46+ or $66+
I was watching season 2 today on Acorn TV. I was watching episode 17 when it just stopped and the screen froze. I was not able to restart it When I logged back into Acorn TV the entire series of “Il paradiso delle signore” was gone with no reference to it as if it never existed on Acorn TV. Acorn had English subtitles so my buying the DVD set would not work for me. Acorn did not answer my inquiry as to waht happened. They just IGNORED me. CyGaydos@gMail.com
Ciao Cy, mi dispiace. That is so frustrating. I’m not sure what happened and why the series is no longer available on Ancorn. I’ve never used that site before. The episodes are available in Italian but with Italian subtitles only. Time to start learning Italian!
Great show. Am looking hopefully for another season (3 ) and that Acorn picks it up. You just can’t leaving Pietro lying in the street. Please un altro paio di puntate
After binging on season 1,2 I’m disappointed at the ending after all they went through they’re won’t be a Happy Ending for Mori n Teresa.
If the powers that be read this please make season 3 and give then a Happy Ending
Purtroppo questa è la fine per Pietro Mori. 🙁
Rai ha deciso di cambiare format – ci sarà una stagione 3 ma sarà un soap quotadiano.
Unfortunately, this is the end of Pietro Mori and Theresa. Rai has decided to turn Il Paradiso delle Signore into a daily soap. It will start on September 10, 2018. The story will pick up 3 years after the death of Mori – the store has been closed following the tragedy and it is Vittorio Conti who decided to re-open the store. Many of the main characters will not be returning.
Che peccato!
Since this is not available in America, does the soap opera address the following:
1.) What happens to Teresa after Mori’s death?
2.) Does Conti marry Andreina?
3.) Does Silvana become a successful actress?
4.) Are Montovani and Corrado in the soap?
5..). Do Anna and Quinto return to Milan?
6.) is the Countess in the soap?
Thank you!
The series is available in America through PBS Passpor. A$5/month donation to PBS will get you access to all the wonderful PBS and Masterpiece programming, including a curated collection of “foreign” films and tv series called, “Walter Presents,” which includes Paradise
Ciao, after the conclusion of season 2 Rai decided to continue the soap drama as a daytime series. The original characters do not return, with the exception of Conti. New story lines evolved of course with him getting involved with other women. It is left to your imagination to wonder what becomes of the original characters after Mori’s death.