Dovrei viaggiare in Italia oggi… ma invece…
I should be traveling to Italy today… but instead
Un Viaggio Sognato, Fermato dalla Pandemia
A Dreamed Journey, Halted by the Pandemic
Questa mattina, invece di sedermi davanti al computer, dovrei sedermi su un aereo diretto in Italia.
This morning, instead of sitting in front of my computer, I should be sitting on a plane bound for Italy.
Dovrei sorseggiare un cappuccino (o un bicchiere di prosecco!) godendomi l’intrattenimento di bordo mentre volo verso il Bel Paese.
I should be sipping a cappuccino (or a glass of prosecco!) enjoying in-flight entertainment as I wing my way to il Bel Paese.
Dovrei cercare di stare comoda su un sedile angusto, guardando fuori dal finestrino le soffici nuvole bianche.
I should be trying to make myself comfortable in a cramped seat, looking out the window at fluffy white clouds.

Passando il tempo tra musica e sogni
Passing Time Between Music and Dreams
Dovrei trascorrere il tempo dormendo o ascoltando musica italiana mentre l’aereo vola sopra l’oceano, colmando le sette ore di fuso tra il Texas e l’Europa.
I should be passing the time sleeping or listening to Italian music as the plane flies over the ocean, bridging the seven-hour time gap between Texas and Europe.
Dovrei aspettare con impazienza il mio arrivo all’aeroporto Peretola di Firenze, pronta a mettere piede di nuovo sul suolo italiano.
I should be anticipating my arrival at Peretola airport in Florence, ready to step onto Italian soil once again.

Camminando verso un sogno
Walking Toward a Dream
Proprio ora, mentre esco dall’aereo, dovrei sentire la lingua italiana avvolgermi mentre attraverso la dogana, attivo il mio telefono italiano e raccolgo i bagagli prima di salire sul tram per Santa Maria Novella. Lì aspetterei il treno per Arezzo, nel cuore della Toscana.
Just about now, as I exit the airplane, I should be hearing Italian wash over me as I pass through customs, activate my Italian phone, and collect my luggage before heading to the tram to Santa Maria Novella. There I’d wait for the train to Arezzo in the heart of Tuscany.

Tornando a casa ad Arezzo e gli amici
Returning Home to Arezzo and friends
Dovrei tornare a casa, nel mio posto preferito al mondo, dove amici come Deborah, Paola, Laura, Lucia e tutti gli altri mi accoglierebbero calorosamente.
I should be returning home to my favorite place in the world, where friends like Deborah, Paola, Laura, Lucia, and the rest would warmly welcome me.
Dovrei essere nel quartiere di Santo Spirito, celebrando con i tifosi e i giostratori alla cena propiziatoria, anticipando le parate, la musica, e la Giostra del Saracino.
I should be in the Santo Spirito neighborhood, celebrating with fans and jousters at the pre-joust dinner, anticipating the parades, music, and the Joust of the Saracen.

Ma invece…
But instead…
Invece, rimango negli Stati Uniti, connettendomi all’Italia solo attraverso internet. Scrivo post sul blog, lavoro a un nuovo romanzo ambientato in Italia, leggo libri, guardo film italiani e testo con amici e studenti.
Instead, I remain in the United States, connecting to Italy only through the internet. I write blog posts, work on a new novel set in Italy, read books, watch Italian movies, and text with friends and students.

Un mondo strano
A Strange World
Un anno fa, mentre organizzavo il programma di apprendimento italiano per l’autunno 2020, non avrei mai immaginato che viaggiare non sarebbe stato possibile… o che il mondo si sarebbe fermato a causa di una pandemia globale.
A year ago, while organizing my Fall 2020 learn Italian program, I never imagined travel wouldn’t be possible… or that the world would come to a standstill due to a global pandemic.
Il mondo si è fermato, ma sta tornando. Dobbiamo fare tutti la nostra parte.
The world has stopped, but it is coming back. We all need to do our part.

Guardando al futuro
Looking Ahead
Per me, vivere in una bolla continua a essere surreale. Mi manca viaggiare. Mi manca parlare italiano in Italia. Ma credo che l’anno prossimo tornerò. Infatti, ho già comprato i biglietti per giugno 2021!
For me, living in a bubble continues to feel surreal. I miss traveling. I miss speaking Italian in Italy. But I believe I’ll return next year. In fact, I’ve already bought tickets for June 2021!

Travel with Melissa and learn Italian in Italy!
View the current Italian language and culture immersion programs.
Ecco alcuni commenti di partecipanti ai miei viaggi recenti.
Here are a few comments from participants of my recent trips.
“Melissa organized a wonderful trip to Arezzo. The accommodations were great! Our B&B was well located, and Barbara and her father were lovely hosts who went out of their way to make us comfortable. The language school was excellent: Paola, the director, has an amazing staff. I loved the daily classes taught by fun and engaging teachers. Melissa planned interesting activities and fantastic meals. We were never hungry! Bravo Melissa and thank you for an unforgettable trip!”
– Jeannene M. (Arezzo 2017)
“I enjoyed and got a lot out of my two weeks in Melissa’s program in Arezzo. It was a good mix of planned activities, classroom learning, and free time. Whether you’re a beginner, intermediate, or advanced, there’s something here for everyone. Enjoy!”
– Geoffrey C. (Arezzo 2017)
“I had an absolutely fantastic time in Arezzo! Every day was special. The 4-hour classes were fun and never boring. Paola is a great teacher who knows how to get beginners interacting with the language. Every afternoon held something special: a market stroll, a visit to a local jeweler, a cooking class and dinner, a visit to the cathedral, or the famous Joust. Plus, the instructors shared fascinating and enriching details. Our group of 8 was perfect: we connected and had so much fun, especially enjoying great Italian food and wine together. This is the experience for anyone who loves ITALY and wants to learn more about its language, culture, food, and art history!”
– Patty C. (Arezzo 2017)
“My husband Art and I were two of the lucky participants. If I had to pick a highlight, it would certainly be the people! Our group, our teachers, our guides… Of course, the venues were wonderful, and the hotel was inviting, beautiful, and perfectly located. The school was engaging and enthralling: the location, teachers, and methods were a delightful surprise. And then there’s Lucca, a hidden gem. An unexpected taste of Tuscany without the overwhelming summer tourist crowds. The food was exquisite, the streets charming, the history captivating, and the medieval wall, turned park, helped us work off all the amazing food! Melissa is the key to this success: the perfect hostess with boundless energy, contagious enthusiasm, and great attention to detail. Thank you, Melissa, for an amazing experience!”
– Micaela R. (Lucca 2017)
I so enjoy reading your blog and this latest one really hit home. I adore Italy; have been there 22 times and cry each time I leave. Thank you for sharing new things in each blog. My favorite this time was: “Siamo tutti coinvolti insieme.” We are all in this together. E’ vero! Grazie! Kathy Corley, Raleigh, NC
Although I have not travelled with you, I have followed and enjoyed your blog for many years. I have stayed in Lucca and Florence for weeks at a time with my family so it is our special area of Italy. Thank you for your interesting posts, especially in italian/english. I really like the way the current post is presented so that I can read smaller bits in italian practicing my speaking skills and translating, then checking to see that, or if, I got it right! Great font, great form.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts and plans with all of us who aren’t traveling to Italy, or anywhere, at the present time.
Anch’io Melissa! Mi manca molto l’Italia – un buon cappuccino, il cibo fresco ed alla stagione, l’ambiente storica, e la lingua bella.
Hi Melissa.I am from South Wales in the UK and followed you through my language journey loving your blog.My family and I stayed in Sarteano near Montelpulciano where we saw our first joust there.We say Sogni D’oro every night to each other before bed like the Waltons.So keep up the great blog and have Golden Dreams of Arezzo.Ciao Steve.
for the food
I’m sad not to be able to visit Italy this year, either. Italy gives me so much energy and zest for life! I enjoy the food and the traditions and rituals around it, too. Your post definitely made me start dreaming again. Crossing my fingers for next year!
I would like to travel to Italy because it looks beautiful there I would really love to see Rome and Italy’s Lake District,
I like to travel to Italy because it is so beautiful. I was blessed to be able to go to Carnival in St Mark’s Square. It was a wonderful experience.
Italy looks like such a beautiful place. Wow a dream it would be to visit there. Thank you