HiNative: La Tua Bussola Linguistica — Chiedi e Ottieni Risposte da Nativi!

HiNative: Your Linguistic Compass — Ask Questions, Get Native Answers!

Un’app innovativa per curiosi delle lingue
An innovative app for language enthusiasts

Di recente, mi sono imbattuta in un’app per l’apprendimento linguistico che mi ha colpita particolarmente. Si chiama HiNative ed è stata creata da Yang Yang Xi, CEO di Lang8. Se, come me, siete curiosi riguardo all’italiano, troverete HiNative molto utile.

Recently, I discovered a language-learning app that really caught my attention. It’s called HiNative, created by Yang Yang Xi, the CEO of Lang8. If you’re as curious about Italian as I am, you’ll find HiNative incredibly useful.

La mia recente intervista con il creatore di HiNative — Kinichi Komatsuzaki
My recent interview with the creator of HiNative— Kinichi Komasuzki

Dopo aver trascorso alcuni giorni esplorando l’app HiNative, ho avuto la piacevole opportunità di scambiare diverse email con Kinichi Komatsuzaki, la mente creativa dietro questa innovativa piattaforma. La gentilezza e l’entusiasmo di Kinichi erano evidenti, e ha persino offerto con grande disponibilità di condividere alcuni pensieri per il Matta Blog. Ecco cosa ha detto Kinichi:

After spending a few days exploring the HiNative app, I had the delightful opportunity to exchange several emails with Kinichi Komatsuzaki, the creative force behind this innovative platform. Kinichi’s kindness and enthusiasm were evident, and he even graciously offered to share a few thoughts for the Matta Blog. Here’s what Kinichi had to say:

“When learning a new language, people often encounter awkward or tricky questions. No matter how many friends you have who speak Italian (or another language), it can sometimes feel burdensome to ask them about specific grammar rules or the subtle nuances of a phrase. Interrupting a natural conversation to ask these questions can feel uncomfortable. Or, when studying on your own, it can be particularly frustrating when there’s no one around to help clarify something you just don’t understand.

That’s why we created HiNative! Our app, designed for phones and tablets, allows you to ask questions freely and receive quick, helpful answers from a community of language learners. Wherever you are, whenever you need it, the HiNative community is here to support you.

Our goal is simple: we want HiNative to be the world’s leading language-learning resource. By growing our community and connecting more learners globally, we make it easier for questions to be answered quickly and effectively.

What sets us apart is that we’re not just building a web or mobile app — we’re building a community. We listen to our users and allow their feedback to guide the app’s development and growth. In fact, with the support of our amazing community, HiNative has already been translated into five languages! Our users are our partners, and together, we’re always striving to improve the HiNative experience.”

Grazie mille, Kinichi! La tua visione per HiNative è davvero ispiratrice. Stai creando una fantastica comunità globale di studenti di lingue, uno spazio dove le persone possono connettersi, porre domande ed esplorare insieme lingue e culture.

Thank you so much, Kinichi! Your vision for HiNative is inspiring. You’re fostering a fantastic global community of language learners, creating a space where people can connect, ask questions, and explore languages and cultures together.

HiNative: Un alleato contro le false traduzioni
HiNative: A powerful ally against mistranslations

Per aiutarci a dissipare i misteri culturali e le traduzioni errate che spesso ci restituisce Google Translate, è nato HiNative. Questa potente app vi mette direttamente in contatto con madrelingua, che vi aiuteranno a ottenere risposte chiare e precise sulla lingua e sulla cultura di un paese. Con HiNative, non dovrete più cercare risposte su forum di lingue, aspettando giorni (o mai) una risposta. L’app offre riscontri rapidi e cordiali da madrelingua direttamente sul vostro tablet o smartphone, con un semplice clic.

To help us navigate cultural mysteries and avoid the mistranslations Google Translate often provides, HiNative was born. This powerful app connects you directly with native speakers, who will help you get clear and accurate answers about a country’s language and culture. With HiNative, you no longer have to scour language forums, wondering if—or when—you’ll ever get a reply. The app delivers quick, friendly feedback from native speakers right to your tablet or smartphone with just a tap.

Provato e approvato: uno strumento essenziale per gli studenti di lingue
Tested and approved: an essential tool for language learners

Negli ultimi giorni ho testato HiNative, ponendo alcune domande e rispondendone ad altre. Devo dire che l’app è proprio come viene descritta: facile da usare e con risposte fornite in tempi rapidissimi. È sicuramente un’app da aggiungere alla vostra “borsa degli attrezzi” per imparare le lingue!

Over the past few days, I’ve been trying out HiNative, asking questions and answering a few as well. I must say, the app is exactly as advertised: easy to use, with responses provided very quickly. It’s definitely an app you should add to your language-learning toolkit!

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