Due stranieri celebrano la storia e la cultura di Arezzo
Two foreigners celebrate the history and culture of Arezzo
Celebrating Arezzo: From Jewelry to Literature!
Celebriamo Arezzo: Dai Gioielli alla Letteratura!
Il mese scorso ad Arezzo ho incontrato Fadi Raslan, proprietario di Loren Jewelry. Sebbene non sia originario dell’Italia, Fadi ha creato una straordinaria collezione chiamata Ellius Jewelry, ispirata ad Arezzo e alla Giostra del Saracino. Intitolata a un antico gladiatore romano, la collezione inizialmente si concentrava sulla storia dell’antica Roma. Tuttavia, circa due anni fa, ispirato dalla ricca cultura di Arezzo e dal vivace festival della Giostra, Fadi ha deciso di dedicarsi a design che celebrano Arezzo, includendo motivi simbolici dei suoi quattro quartieri, ognuno con colori e stemmi unici.
Last month in Arezzo, I connected with Fadi Raslan, owner of Loren Jewelry. Though not originally from Italy, Fadi has created an extraordinary collection called Ellius Jewelry, inspired by Arezzo and the Giostra del Saracino. Named after an ancient Roman gladiator, the collection initially focused on ancient Rome’s history. However, about two years ago, inspired by Arezzo’s rich culture and the vibrant Joust festival, Fadi shifted his focus to designs celebrating Arezzo, featuring symbolic motifs of its four neighborhoods, each with unique colors and crests.
La mia prima scoperta di Ellius Jewelry
My first encounter with Ellius Jewelry
Ho scoperto la linea Ellius circa un anno fa quando ero ad Arezzo con il mio secondo gruppo linguistico. Forse ricorderete un post precedente che ho scritto su questi gioielli. La prima volta che vidi una serie di ciondoli dedicati alla Giostra di Arezzo nel palazzo municipale della città, rimasi immediatamente incantata. Feci subito alcuni acquisti e, una volta tornata a casa, dopo aver pubblicato il mio secondo libro “Waking Isabella,” ambientato ad Arezzo, contattai Valentina via internet per acquistare alcuni regali per la mia editor, come ringraziamento per il lavoro svolto.
I discovered the Ellius line about a year ago when I was in Arezzo with my second language group. You might remember a previous blog post I wrote about this jewelry. When I first saw a collection of pendants dedicated to Arezzo’s Joust in the city’s municipal building, I was instantly enchanted. I made a few purchases, and once home, after publishing my second book, “Waking Isabella,” set in Arezzo, I contacted Valentina online to buy some gifts for my editor as a token of appreciation for her work.
Una visita improvvisata
An impromptu visit
Quando sono tornata ad Arezzo a giugno, ho contattato Valentina per visitare la sede di Loren Jewelry e incontrare di persona lei e Fadi. Dopo averle lasciato un messaggio vocale durante il pranzo, mi ha richiamata calorosamente pochi minuti dopo, entusiasta di organizzare una visita. Con i miei amici, ho visitato la loro sede alla periferia di Arezzo, incontrato gli artigiani di Fadi, osservato il processo di creazione dei gioielli e persino avuto un’anteprima delle nuove collezioni in uscita in autunno.
When I returned to Arezzo in June, I contacted Valentina to visit Loren Jewelry’s headquarters and meet her and Fadi in person. After leaving her a voicemail at lunch, she called back warmly within minutes, delighted to arrange a visit. With my friends, I toured their facility on the outskirts of Arezzo, met Fadi’s artisans, observed the jewelry-making process, and even got a sneak peek at upcoming designs for the fall.
Un legame speciale
A unique bond
Ma la parte più speciale è stata la chiacchierata con Fadi e Valentina. Quando me ne sono andata, mi sono sentita come se avessimo rafforzato una bella amicizia. Abbiamo persino scherzato sul fatto che servono due stranieri per celebrare Arezzo: Fadi con i suoi gioielli e io con il mio libro, ambientato ad Arezzo durante la Giostra, la fiera dell’antiquariato e il commercio di gioielli in oro.
But the most special part was chatting with Fadi and Valentina. When I left, I felt like we had solidified a lovely friendship. We even joked that it takes two foreigners to celebrate Arezzo: Fadi with his jewelry and me with my book, set in Arezzo against the backdrop of the Joust, the antique fair, and the gold jewelry trade.
Ellius la Collezione della giostra
Read the novel that was inspired by Arezzo, the Giostra and the Antique Fair!
Waking Isabella
Waking Isabella is a story about uncovering hidden beauty that, over time, has been lost, erased, or suppressed. It also weaves together several love stories as well as a few mysteries. Nora, an assistant researcher, is a catalyst for resolving the puzzle of a painting that has been missing for decades. Set in Arezzo, a small Tuscan town, the plot unfolds against the backdrop of the city’s antique trade and the fanfare and pageantry of its medieval jousting festival. While filming a documentary about Isabella de’ Medici—the Renaissance princess who was murdered by her husband—Nora begins to connect with the lives of two remarkable women from the past. Unraveling the stories of Isabella, the daughter of a fifteenth-century Tuscan duke, and Margherita, a young girl trying to survive the war in Nazi-occupied Italy, Nora begins to question the choices that have shaped her own life up to this point. As she does, hidden beauty is awakened deep inside of her, and she discovers the keys to her creativity and happiness. It is a story of love and deceit, forgeries and masterpieces—all held together by the allure and intrigue of a beautiful Tuscan ghost.