Una Giornata a Deruta: Scopriamo l’Arte della Maiolica
A Day in Deruta: Exploring the Art of Maiolica
Un pranzo e una deviazione
A lunch and a detour
Prendendo la strada sinuosa da Pienza ad Assisi lo scorso settembre, abbiamo deciso di fare una deviazione e fermarci a Deruta per pranzo. Perché proprio Deruta, vi chiederete? Certamente avevo un secondo fine: oltre a mangiare, volevo esplorare la ceramica “Maiolica,” uno stile artistico rinascimentale noto per i suoi colori brillanti e dettagli intricati.
Driving the winding road from Pienza to Assisi last September, we decided to take a detour and stop in Deruta for lunch. Why Deruta, you might ask? I had a hidden agenda: beyond enjoying a meal, I wanted to explore the ceramic style known as “Maiolica,” a Renaissance art form celebrated for its vibrant colors and intricate details.

Deruta — la città della ceramica
Deruta — The town of ceramics
Con una popolazione di circa 9.530 abitanti, quasi ogni anima di Deruta sembra avere un legame con la ceramica. Il borgo ospita laboratori, scuole d’arte e botteghe che vendono ceramiche a turisti. Ogni angolo del centro storico è decorato con opere in ceramica, dai piatti appesi ai muri ai grandiosi vasi che adornano gli ingressi.
With a population of around 9,530, nearly every soul in Deruta seems to be connected to ceramics. The town is filled with workshops, art schools, and shops catering to tourists. Every corner of the historic center is adorned with ceramic works, from plates on walls to grand vases decorating doorways.

Colori brillanti e design unici
Brilliant colors and unique designs
Marcella utilizza un vassoio girevole per garantire la precisione dei suoi disegni. Prima della cottura, i colori appaiono tenui, ma una volta asciutti, si trasformano in tonalità intense e brillanti, rendendo ogni pezzo resistente e unico. Vedere la sua maestria è stato un vero privilegio.
Marcella uses a rotating tray to ensure the precision of her designs. Before firing, the colors appear muted, but once dry, they become vibrant and bright, making each piece durable and unique. Witnessing her skill was a true privilege.

Un invito a Deruta
An invitation to Deruta
Prima di salutarla, le ho chiesto se avesse un sito web. Mi ha risposto di no, spiegando che ha già troppi ordini da gestire. Quindi, se vuoi ammirare l’arte di Marcella, devi visitare il suo studio. Anche senza un sito, la porta dello studio è sempre aperta e invita ad entrare.
Before saying goodbye, I asked if she had a website. She replied no, explaining that she already has more orders than she can handle. So, if you want to admire Marcella’s art, you must visit her studio. Even without a website, the studio door is always open, inviting you in.

le maioliche sono meravigliose! Miriam è proprio una grande artista!
Hi Melissa
I found your site by chance while searching for the source of some ceramic coasters that I had admired at a friend’s house. She didn’t remember exactly where she had bought them, hence the search. As soon as I saw your photo of the studio of Miriam Ceramiche, I recognised the style. Yesterday I went there and purchased the coasters and enjoyed talking to the store owner / artist. Just wanted to mention that the store is named Miriam after her daughter, but the signora’s name is Marcella. An amazing quantity of the lovely ceramics on display are her signed work and she also has pieces by other family members including her daughter, whose work is quite different in style, using motifs that resemble African and prehistoric art.
Compliments on your site, especially the very useful language learning links.
Ciao Susan, grazie per il tuo commento e per avermi aggiornato del fatto che il negozio è stato chiamato dopo la figlia di Marcella. Thanks for letting me know that the store is named after Marcella’s daughter. Sono contenta che ti ho aitutato trovare le ceramiche giuste! I’m glad that I helped you to find your ceramics. Sei in Umbria per la vacanza o abiti là? A presto! Meli
Ciao Melissa. E’ da sette anni che abito in Umbria. Mi occupo delle case vacanze tramite il mio sito http://www.valtiberinavillas.com. Saluti da Susan
Hi Melissa!
Thanks for your wonderful post!
I am an artist, and was looking for a ceramic workshop when I found your page! Do you know if Marcella teaches as well? Because she is amazing!
Do you have her contact or know of good classes in this region?
I’m from Brazil and will be in Italy soon, so I’d be really glad if you could give me some tips or help me in any way!
Ciao Paula, I don’t know if Miriam teaches classes. When I met her she was completely swamped with orders from clients so I don’t know if she has the time to teach. Her family has several shops in Deruta and I believe her daughter also paints ceramics and her husband runs the other family shops in town. If you go to Deruta to the old part of town you can’t miss her. At the time I met her she didn’t have a website but I just did a search and see that she now does. You can find more information here:
In bocca al lupo.