Oggi festeggiamo un’icona del talento femminile
Today, we celebrate an icon of feminine talent.
Oggi, 8 luglio, celebriamo il compleanno di Artemisia Gentileschi!
Today, July 8th, we celebrate Artemisia Gentileschi’s birthday!
Come faccio con tutti i miei amici, mi piace inviare loro torte virtuali sui social media. Ecco la mia torta dedicata ad Artemisia!
As I do with all my friends, I love sending them virtual birthday cakes on social media. Here’s my cake dedicated to Artemisia!

Una donna straordinaria in un mondo dominato dagli uomini
An extraordinary woman in a male-dominated world.
Artemisia è la protagonista del mio terzo romanzo ambientato in Italia, “Eternally Artemisia – Alcuni amori, come alcune donne, sono eterni.”
Artemisia is the subject of my third novel set in Italy, “Eternally Artemisia—Some loves, like some women, are timeless.”
In un’epoca in cui le donne erano spesso escluse dalla comunità artistica, Artemisia si è distinta come una delle pittrici più talentuose della sua generazione. Nata a Roma nel 1593, è stata la prima donna ammessa all’Accademia di Arte del Disegno a Firenze.
In an era when women were often excluded from the artistic community, Artemisia stood out as one of the most talented painters of her generation. Born in Rome in 1593, she was the first woman accepted into the Accademia di Arte del Disegno in Florence.
Arte come riscatto: dalla sofferenza al trionfo
Art as redemption: from suffering to triumph.
Durante la sua vita, Artemisia ha affrontato momenti molto difficili. Crescendo in una società patriarcale, viveva una vita limitata e protetta da suo padre Orazio. Ma, nonostante le sue precauzioni, Artemisia subì molestie e uno stupro da parte del suo insegnante, Agostino Tassi.
Throughout her life, Artemisia faced many dark moments. Growing up in a patriarchal society, her father Orazio kept her sheltered from the rough Roman streets. Yet, despite his efforts, Artemisia endured harassment and was raped by her teacher, Agostino Tassi.
Non si è arresa. Attraverso la sua arte, ha trovato la forza di superare il dolore e diventare un’artista riconosciuta a livello mondiale.
But she didn’t give up. Through her art, she found the strength to rise above her pain and become a world-renowned artist.

Buon compleanno, Artemisia!
Tanti auguri a una donna e artista che ha sfidato i limiti del suo tempo.
Happy birthday to a woman and artist who defied the limits of her time.
Read the novel that was inspired by Artemisia Gentileschi!

Eternally Artemisia
They say some loves travel through time and are fated to meet over and over again. For Maddie, an art therapist, who wrestles with the “peculiar feeling” she has lived previous lives and is being called to Italy by voices that have left imprints o her soul, this idea is intriguing. Despite her best efforts, however, proof of this has always eluded her. That is, until one illuminating summer in Italy when Maddie’s previous existences start to bleed through into her current reality. When she is introduced to the Crociani family—a noble clan with ties to the seventeenth-century Medici court that boasts of ancestors with colorful pasts—she finally meets the loves of her life. One is a romantic love, and another is a special kind of passion that only women share, strong amongst those who have suffered greatly yet have triumphed despite it. As Maddie’s relationship develops with Artemisia Gentileschi—an artist who in a time when it was unheard of to denounce a man for the crime of rape, did just that—Maddie discovers a kindred spirit and a role model, and just what women are capable of when united together. In a journey that arcs back to biblical days and moves forward in time, Maddie encounters artists, dukes, designers, and movie stars as well as baser and ignoble men. With Artemisia never far from her side, she proves that when we dare to take control of our lives and find the “thing” we are most passionate about, we are limitless and can touch the stars.