Eternally Artemisia by Melissa Muldoon: Ora anche in Audiobook!
Eternally Artemisia by Melissa Muldoon: Now Available as an Audiobook!
Buona notizia!
Great news!
Sono lieta di annunciare che il mio terzo libro ambientato in Italia, “Eternally Artemisia”, oltre a essere disponibile in formato cartaceo ed ebook, è ora disponibile anche in inglese come Audiobook!
I’m delighted to announce that my third book set in Italy, “Eternally Artemisia,” is now available in English as an Audiobook, in addition to print and ebook formats!

Porta l’Italia con te, ovunque tu vada
Take Italy with you, wherever you go
Se ti piace ascoltare libri mentre passeggi, viaggi o ti rilassi a casa, questa è l’opportunità perfetta per immergerti in un romanzo che ti porterà in un viaggio emozionante attraverso Roma, Val d’Orcia, Firenze e Venezia. Ascoltare un audiobook non è solo comodo, ma aggiunge una nuova dimensione all’esperienza di lettura, rendendo la storia ancora più viva grazie alla narrazione interpretata con accenti autentici e un ritmo coinvolgente. Preparati a sentire i profumi, i suoni e l’atmosfera di queste città italiane direttamente nelle tue orecchie!
If you enjoy listening to books while walking, commuting, or relaxing at home, this is the perfect way to immerse yourself in a novel that takes you on an exciting journey through Rome, Val d’Orcia, Florence, and Venice. Listening to an audiobook isn’t just convenient; it adds a new layer to the reading experience, making the story come alive with authentic accents and a captivating pace. Get ready to feel the scents, sounds, and ambiance of these Italian cities right in your ears!

Un’esperienza teatrale
A theatrical experience
Ho collaborato con Katherine Madrona, un’attrice di New York, che ha letto il libro con accenti autentici. È stato come realizzare un mini-film o una produzione teatrale! Mi sono divertita moltissimo e non vedo l’ora di condividerlo con voi!
I worked with Katherine Madrona, an actress from New York, who performed the book with authentic accents. It felt like creating a mini-movie or a theater production! It was so much fun, and I can’t wait to share it with you!

Storia e arte si intrecciano
History and art intertwine
Eternally Artemisia intreccia una trama contemporanea con una del passato. Scoprirai la vita dell’artista del XVII secolo Artemisia Gentileschi, le difficoltà che ha superato e il suo contributo al mondo dell’arte. Inoltre, esplorerai il mondo dell’arteterapia e vivrai un’avventura in cui le vite passate si riconnettono più volte.
Eternally Artemisia weaves together a contemporary storyline with one from the past. You’ll get to know the 17th-century artist Artemisia Gentileschi, the challenges she overcame, and her contributions to the art world. You’ll also delve into art therapy and experience an adventure where past lives reconnect time and again.
Recensione su Amazon: Mary Sheeran
Amazon Review by Mary Sheeran
“Artemisia Gentileschi! Il titolo dice tutto. Ho scritto una tesi di laurea su Gentileschi per un master in teologia, quindi, quando mi sono imbattuta in questo libro, ho pensato: deve essere divertente. E lo è stato! Non solo, ma è pieno di sentimento, una storia che ti tiene incollato, con dettagli storici ricchi ma mai opprimenti. Scritto in modo splendido, con pagine che grondano ironia. Oh, l’ho adorato!”
“Artemisia Gentileschi!” My headline says it all. I wrote a master’s thesis on Gentileschi for a theology degree, so when I came across this title, I thought: this has to be fun. And it was! Not only that, but it’s filled with emotion, a story that keeps you hooked, with rich historical details that never overwhelm. Beautifully written, with pages dripping with irony. Oh, I loved it!”
Read the novel that was inspired by Artemisia Gentileschi! Find on Amazon Audibl!e

Eternally Artemisia
They say some loves travel through time and are fated to meet over and over again. For Maddie, an art therapist, who wrestles with the “peculiar feeling” she has lived previous lives and is being called to Italy by voices that have left imprints o her soul, this idea is intriguing. Despite her best efforts, however, proof of this has always eluded her. That is, until one illuminating summer in Italy when Maddie’s previous existences start to bleed through into her current reality. When she is introduced to the Crociani family—a noble clan with ties to the seventeenth-century Medici court that boasts of ancestors with colorful pasts—she finally meets the loves of her life. One is a romantic love, and another is a special kind of passion that only women share, strong amongst those who have suffered greatly yet have triumphed despite it. As Maddie’s relationship develops with Artemisia Gentileschi—an artist who in a time when it was unheard of to denounce a man for the crime of rape, did just that—Maddie discovers a kindred spirit and a role model, and just what women are capable of when united together. In a journey that arcs back to biblical days and moves forward in time, Maddie encounters artists, dukes, designers, and movie stars as well as baser and ignoble men. With Artemisia never far from her side, she proves that when we dare to take control of our lives and find the “thing” we are most passionate about, we are limitless and can touch the stars.