Join the Spring Fall 2023 Italian Book Club
Join a Private One-on-One Book Club to Read This Book ANY TIME!
The selection for the Matta Spring 2023 Book Club
“Io non ho paura” by Niccolò Ammaniti
Ti invito ad unirti al 2023 Spring Matta Book Club e a fuggire nel mondo di Michele e dei suoi amici durante una lunga e torrida estate in Toscana nella città quasi dimenticata di Acqua Traverse e a vivere le emozioni di un ragazzo che scopre un segreto terribile .
I invite you to join the 2023 Spring Matta Book Club and escape into the world of Michele and his friends during a long hot, torrid summer in Tuscany in the almost forgotten town of Acqua Traverse and live the emotions of a young boy as he discovers a terrible secret.

Lettura perfetta per il nostro gruppo
The Perfect Read for our Book Club Group
Io non ho paura by Niccolò Ammaniti is a heart-pounding tale of childhood courage and buried secrets, set against the vivid backdrop of a rural Italian summer. As young Michele uncovers a dark truth, we’re drawn into a gripping story that questions morality, trust, and the loss of innocence.
This novel offers rich layers for discussion, from its evocative setting and suspenseful plot to its exploration of human nature and moral dilemmas, making it a thought-provoking and unforgettable book club choice.

A Sneak Peek into the Plot of “Io non ho paura”
Il romanzo Io non ho paura di Niccolò Ammaniti è una coinvolgente storia di formazione ambientata in un piccolo villaggio rurale del sud Italia durante un’estate torrida alla fine degli anni ’70. Il protagonista, Michele Amitrano, un bambino di nove anni, scopre un segreto sconvolgente: un suo coetaneo, Filippo, è tenuto prigioniero in una fossa vicino a una casa abbandonata. Mentre Michele cerca di capire il significato di questa scoperta, si trova di fronte a verità inquietanti sulla sua comunità, sulla sua famiglia e sui compromessi morali degli adulti intorno a lui.
Niccolò Ammaniti’s novel Io non ho paura is a gripping coming-of-age story set in a small, rural village in southern Italy during a sweltering summer in the late 1970s. The protagonist, nine-year-old Michele Amitrano, stumbles upon a horrifying secret: a boy his age, Filippo, is being held captive in a pit near an abandoned farmhouse. As Michele grapples with his discovery, he uncovers unsettling truths about his community, his family, and the moral compromises of the adults around him.
Narrato attraverso la prospettiva innocente ma acuta di Michele, il romanzo esplora temi come l’innocenza, il tradimento e la perdita della spensieratezza infantile, creando un racconto toccante e pieno di suspense che indaga il lato oscuro della natura umana.
Told through Michele’s innocent yet perceptive perspective, the novel explores themes of innocence, betrayal, and the loss of childhood naivety, creating a poignant and suspenseful narrative that examines the darker side of human nature.
Let’s Read An Italian Book Together!

Unisciti a noi! Join the Matta Italian Book Club!
Join the group book club for five weeks of lively discussions, where you can connect with fellow Italian language lovers from around the world. Our Zoom meetings, held in small groups of 2-3 readers, provide an intimate setting for personalized learning, ensuring that everyone gets a chance to participate and improve their language abilities.
If you have a group of friends or study buddies ready to dive into this literary adventure, I’m delighted to organize a private book club just for you. You can choose this season’s selection or any of our previous reads, with me guiding your journey through exclusive summaries, discussion topics, and insights to boost your Italian skills.
For an even more personalized experience, you can opt for a one-on-one book club with me. In this tailored format, you’ll take center stage in focused discussions, diving deeper into the book while honing your Italian language skills. If you want an experience that’s all about your progress, this is the perfect choice!