Felice Anno Nuovo! Qual è il tuo sogno per il 2017?
Happy New Year! What is your dream for 2017?
I giorni restanti di questo 2017 stanno rapidamente scivolando via.
The remaining days of 2017 are rapidly dwindling.
Il 2016 sta diventando ormai un ricordo. Un nuovo anno si affaccia all’orizzonte, pieno di promesse. Cosa ci riserverà? Sarà un anno colmo di gioie, sorprese e traguardi? Quando chiudi gli occhi e sogni, come ti immagini il tuo 2017?
2016 is almost a memory. A new year looms large on the horizon, full of promise. What will it hold? Will it be a year brimming with joy, surprises, and accomplishments? When you close your eyes and dream, what does your 2017 look like?

Alla fine dell’anno, siamo pieni di aspettative e speranze.
At the end of the year, we are filled with anticipation and hope.
Un nuovo anno ci chiama, pronto a offrirci una nuova possibilità. Possiamo lasciarci alle spalle un anno che, forse, non è andato come previsto. Non hai finito quel progetto fotografico, perso l’occasione di viaggiare in Italia, o imparare una lingua? Non temere: il 2017 è una nuova opportunità.
A new year beckons, offering us another chance. Perhaps the old year didn’t go as planned. Did you miss completing a photo project, traveling to Italy, or mastering a new language? Don’t worry—2017 is a fresh opportunity.

Un nuovo anno, un nuovo sogno nel cassetto.
A new year, a new dream in the drawer.
Ogni gennaio ci dà l’occasione di riscoprire i nostri sogni. Gli italiani lo chiamano “un sogno nel cassetto,” un desiderio nascosto. È il momento perfetto per tirarlo fuori e farlo diventare realtà. Sogna in grande, proprio come incoraggio i miei figli e i miei studenti!
Every January brings the chance to rediscover our dreams. Italians call it “un sogno nel cassetto,” a hidden wish. Now is the perfect time to bring it out and make it come true. Dream big, just as I encourage my children and students to do!

Nuovi inizi: lavorare verso i tuoi obiettivi.
New beginnings: working toward your goals.
Certo, iniziare può spaventare. Ma dove c’è volontà, c’è un modo. Io stessa ho superato molte paure per imparare l’italiano e persino scrivere questo blog in italiano! Immagina cosa potresti realizzare nel 2017, un passo alla volta.
Starting fresh can be daunting, but where there’s a will, there’s a way. I overcame my own fears to learn Italian and even write this blog in Italian! Imagine what you can achieve in 2017, one step at a time.

2016: Un anno indimenticabile e l’incontro con Sophia Loren.
2016: An unforgettable year and meeting Sophia Loren.
Scrivere il mio primo romanzo mi ha regalato emozioni incredibili. Nel 2016, ho incontrato Sophia Loren e le ho parlato del libro che aveva ispirato. È stato un sogno che si è avverato. E tu, cosa sogni di realizzare quest’anno?
Writing my first novel brought unforgettable moments. In 2016, I met Sophia Loren and told her about the book she had inspired. It was a dream come true. What do you dream of achieving this year?

Cosa sogni per il tuo 2017? Raccontamelo!
What’s your dream for 2017? Share it with me!
Scrivere il mio primo romanzo mi ha regalato emozioni incredibili. Nel 2016, ho incontrato Sophia Loren e le ho parlato del libro che aveva ispirato. È stato un sogno che si è avverato. E tu, cosa sogni di realizzare quest’anno?
Writing my first novel brought unforgettable moments. In 2016, I met Sophia Loren and told her about the book she had inspired. It was a dream come true. What do you dream of achieving this year?
Read the novel that was inspired by Sophia Loren!

Dreaming Sophia
Dreaming Sophia is a magical look into Italy, language, art, and culture. It is a story about turning dreams into reality and learning to walk the fine line between fact and fantasy. When tragedy strikes, Sophia finds herself alone in the world, without direction and fearful of loving again. With only her vivid imagination to guide her, she begins a journey that will take her from the vineyards in Sonoma, California to a grad school in Philadelphia and, eventually, to Italy: Florence, Lucca, Rome, Verona, Venice, and Val d’Orcia. Through dreamlike encounters, Sophia meets Italian personalities—princes, poets, duchesses, artists, and film stars— who give her advice to help put her life back together. Following a path that takes her from grief to joy, she discovers the source of her creativity and learns to love again, turning her dreams into reality.
Your posts are just what I need to renew my study of Italian. My cousin, Thomas Liberator forwards them to me. I studied for a year in 2000 with a professor from Lucca. She taught at a small college in Virginia. Traveled to Italy many times but have let my studies lapse. I enjoy translating your posts and feeling pride when I get most of it correct. It is like taking a course and not having to pay for it.
Thank you so much. I will check on the other listings you posted.
Janet Marmura
Ciao Janet! That is great to hear! Thanks for your message. I love Lucca! I look forward to getting to know you. Please feel free to leave a comment any time – and don’t be shy about posting in Italian! It is great practice!
Buone feste, Buon anno! Buoni studi! ci sentiamo! Melissa
My dream for 2017, my dream man!!! Maybe an Italian man!!
I loved Italy and spent a few days in Lucca it is beautiful like all over Italy it calls me back to see a little more.
Now I have found your blog maybe I will be able to speak a little of the Italian language, it is always fun to try.
Happy New Year, may it bring you health and happiness.
From a new follower
I love it! Dream big!! An Italian man it is! Buon anno anche a te e la tua famiglia! Let’s work on that dream together! 😉
Congrats on the book, I too was encouraged to write one and figured out the whole process and did it myself. If there is a will there is a way,
Grazie, Jen! Writing a book is a wonderful creative journey…d’accordo c’è molto da imparare. I would love to feature your book on the Matta Blog! Ti va?
ti auguro un felice anno nuovo!! Un abbraccio! Melissa
Ciao Melissa!
I would like to thank you for all the great job you are doing fo us – Italian learners. It has been nearly two years I´ve started to follow your blog but I´m ashamed to say I´ve never commented on anything. Although, I´m always eager to read your new articles and open your site regularly to check whether you wrote something new. Your articles have been a great help for me because at the begining of my Italian studying, I wasn´t able to find any site in my native language which would help me with learning. Your blog is something like a crossroads for me through which I discovered another great bloggers and interesting sites devoted to Italian language, you are an endless resource of inspiration and new ideas…
Congratulation on everything you have achieved so far! I mean write a book in Italian and meet such a great actress like Sophia Loren….you really live your dreams!
I wish you all the best in the New Year and keep up the good work!
Ciao Klara! Thank you for you message! I’m so pleased you left me a note. This is great! I’m so glad the blog is helping you and you find it valuable. Please feel free to leave a message any time and I also encourage you to write a bit in Italian if you feel like it. Let’s stay in touch!
Wishing you the very best for 2017! A presto! Melissa