2014 Matta Lucca Italian Language Program: Album Fotografico
2014 Matta Lucca Italian Language Program: Photo Album
Un’estate di studio e divertimento a Lucca
An unforgettable summer of study and fun in Lucca
Nel giugno del 2014, Melissa, la studentessa Matta, ha collaborato con gli insegnanti della Lucca Italian School: Daniela, Angelo ed Eva. Insieme abbiamo creato un programma di immersione linguistica nella splendida città murata di Lucca.
In June 2014, Melissa, the studentessa Matta, partnered with the teachers of Lucca Italian School: Daniela, Angelo, and Eva. Together, we designed a language immersion program in the beautiful walled city of Lucca.

Mattinate di studio, pomeriggi di esplorazione
Mornings of Italian, Afternoons of Discovery
Durante il nostro soggiorno a Lucca, abbiamo studiato italiano la mattina alla Lucca Italian School, mentre i pomeriggi erano dedicati all’esplorazione di Lucca e delle colline circostanti.
During our stay in Lucca, we spent our mornings learning Italian at Lucca Italian School, while afternoons were devoted to exploring Lucca and its surrounding hill towns.

Esperienze culinarie e momenti indimenticabili
Culinary experiences and unforgettable moments
Abbiamo partecipato a lezioni di cucina, degustazioni di vini e olio d’oliva, tour guidati di Lucca, Pisa e altre cittadine. Abbiamo preparato pasta fresca, esplorato i sapori autentici e pedalato sulle famose mura di Lucca.
We joined cooking classes, tasted wine and olive oil, and enjoyed guided tours of Lucca, Pisa, and nearby towns. We made fresh pasta, savored authentic flavors, and biked along Lucca’s famous walls.
C’erano anche concerti di Puccini e tanto tempo libero per scoprire la città al proprio ritmo.
We also attended Puccini concerts and had plenty of free time to discover the city at our own pace.

Il nostro alloggio e un’ospitalità unica
Our accommodations and unique hospitality
Per il nostro soggiorno, abbiamo scelto il delizioso Piccolo Albergo Puccini, situato nel centro storico di Lucca.
For our stay, we selected the charming Piccolo Albergo Puccini, nestled in Lucca’s historic center.
Questo hotel è stato la base perfetta per rilassarsi dopo giornate piene di attività.
This hotel was the perfect base to unwind after days packed with activities.
Successo e nuove amicizie
Success and new friendships
Il programma linguistico e culturale Matta a Lucca è stato un grande successo! Abbiamo vissuto momenti rilassanti e indimenticabili, creando amicizie durature.
The Matta Language & Cultural Immersion in Lucca was a huge success! We enjoyed relaxing and memorable moments while forging lasting friendships.
WOW! This sounds wonderful! My parents and grandparents are from Lucca and I have cousins who live there. I have never been to Italy but would love to go especially to see the city of my heritage!
Lisa Spragia
Ciao Lisa! You should definitely see Lucca since you have roots and family there! I personally would love to have you with our group this June! It is a beautiful city! Check out the trip page with a recording the teachers made about what we will be doing! https://www.studentessamatta.com/cultural-language-immersion-lucca-italian-school/
Let me know if you have questions! A presto!